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What are you looking for in the Custom missions/Campaigns


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At some point we will start to see Custom Missions and Campaigns submitted for this game. Personally I looked at the mission editor but I have no idea how to work it. Couldn't even edit an existing mission let alone start one from scratch.

However the most dissapointing aspect of the campaign we were given was its lack of accurate TOE's. I mean it seemed just about every mission you played as the Russians you ran into 4-5 Tigers, or as the Germans in 1941, 3-4 T-34s. I mean I am all for a challenge, but not all battles on the Russian Front involved Tigers, and not all battles in Russian in 1941 involved T-34s. Or when playing Germans, the amount of 76mm armed Shermans in 1944. Something that was more common, like maybe T-34s vs Mark4s or long barrel mark3s, or Shermans 75's and Cromwells vs Mark4s.

I just want some missions without the uber God tanks, battles that were a bit more reflective of how things were.

What exactly are you guys looking for?

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I want lots of missions per campaign (i.e. i'm at mission 5 for the germans and still in Poland. I play with this force: 4 tanks, 4 spw's w/staff squads and i'll add a stug (or two) later. i hated the way reinforcements showed up, so removed all, also removed all arty. usually play against twice sized enemy force, say 10-12 tanks, 4-5 squads. also only rarely play against atg's or pillboxes. Pz IVc tends to shred them anyway.

summarized: i like a very fluid, tank-centric battle, with little else- even my inf are mech. thats how i learned combat, that's how i like to play.

on a side note tho, i only got cocky against those Polish TKS's once, and got my butt kicked.

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Seems like this will be very straightforward to do via editing the missions, either with the editor or just opening the .XML files in Notepad or similar. I might try this myself when I get the game (bought the disc version rather than D/L version so I might have to wait a while), if nobody else has already done so.

I'd certainly much rather play battles with a more historically accurate selection of vehicles, rather than everything ending up as T-34s or 76mm Shermans vs. "big cats". Though I'll definitely play through the missions unmodified first, to see for myself what they're like.

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Agreed. Less heavies and more light/medium vehicles. I like heavies so don't get me wrong. It's just that they're over-used in the campaigns. Plenty of infantry is fine, but I like to have some vehicles to support them too. The occasional big tank showing up is fine as long as the opposition has something to counter it with or at least a chance to counter it with.

For me a great battle would be a meeting engagement with plenty of infantry and a few tanks (mediums) and several lighweights ( lt. tanks and/or armored cars ) and maybe a few towed guns to add flavor.

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Big maps. A long battle with time to think. Isolated villages, trees grouped not spread everywhere. Lots of equipment, very little of the super tanks. Sunken roads and hard cover to make tank advance more tricky. NOT open countyside littered with trees and trenches.

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