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Love this game, some tweeks and it will shine BUT

WHAT?? in the manual it says regarding the men assigned after a campaigne battle top "reassign" the men, but no idea how to reasign them! I hit every button on that damn page.. lots of neet stuff, medal etc, just maybe a manual that has some ..edited for sanity sake..

SO are we actually going to get a real manual?

B. How do we reassign men after a battle from captured equip?

C. If you need help with the manual I would be happy to be part of a rewrite team

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right, drag from where to where, I click on the guy to be moved. his data shows up on the left.. I see all kinds of assign and medal stuff, again not covered in the manual??? are we going to use this stuff? From the MAnual:"

Therefore, soon after the battle in which the equipment was captured,

all captured equipment is withdrawn from your command and

passes to the control of other units (maintenance, rear-based units etc.).

In order to give you a chance to reassign any valuable crew members

to other units before such units are withdrawn from your command, all

captured equipment stays on your reserve roster for one battle after it was

captured, but it cannot be used in battles or form part of a new combat


Before the next battle you should make sure to re-assign any crew

members to other forces and/or staff the captured equipment with unexperienced


I was unable to grab with either the left or right button on the mouse.. I am just going into Dunkirk and would like these higher proficency guys to not vanish off my rosters.

PLEASE HELP! I am trying to drag.. got my dress out and everything!

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You're in the wrong screen it seems. You can only re-assign crews when you start a new mission. You seem to be in the screen where you distribute experience points, promotions, medals etc. That screen is covered in the manual, p. 62+

What you need is the starting screen of the NEXT mission (start mission, click on "Units")


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Ok, just reloaded, was on the screen where the captured weapons show and the men and the awards etc.. so that is not where I drop and drag.. I click next and the weapon does not show with the men.. so what gives?

[ April 20, 2007, 12:24 PM: Message edited by: Freeboy ]

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The Manual PDF file, will we be getting a real book with the DVD?

If not can in the future the Manual be a letter size PDF paper (its like half size printing it out). I like to print it of and read it without my glasses. Also the background of the maual is very nice but I would like it to be plane white paper.

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