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Madmatt how goes the war with your servers :)

Tactical Wargamer

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Any luck with the servers last night?

Just curious is the 19th realistic or will you guys need the weekend to get everything behind the scenes workout. Trying to make my weekend plans smile.gif

The demo is awesome. 9.5 out of 10. The only thing I wish we could have had was variable speed.

Hats off you to guys the magic of BF shines again!!

Hey after this project is Steve picking up a new toy for his fighting vehicle collection? I think he deserves it!!

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We have won the war! As Matt is stating in his post, all the preparations are already running for today.

I am going to personally cross-match all whiner posts of the past days with complaints about bugs, and anyone I match is going to get an FBI wedgie.


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From Wikipedia: "The Wedgie is a joke maneuver or prank performed to humiliate someone. It is inflicted when an individual, or group of individuals, grab the underwear of the victim from behind and pull up, causing the underwear to wedge between the buttocks."

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Is an FBI wedgie different from a standard wedgie? Do they read you Miranda beforehand?

"You have the right to remain silent during this wedgie. Anything you do say during this wedgie, may be posted and held against you on the BFC TOW forum."

[ April 19, 2007, 06:59 AM: Message edited by: Avwriter ]

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Of course there are many subtle factors that one must take account of when planning a wedgie. After all, the strategy and tactics used will ultimately determine the overall effectiveness, as well as the pain vs. humor factor of any given wedgie.

For example, it helps if the wedgier knows ahead of time what type of underwear is being worn by the wedgieee. Depending on circumstances, this may require some intelligence work of a mildly perverted nature.

As some underwear is considerably more elastic than other types, one must use this information to determine whether an atomic wedgie should be attempted. Failure to accomplish this determination may result in severe injury to the wedgieee, and, or, expensive lawsuits against the wedgier. Good intelligince field work will also help prevent against targeting the occasional wierdo who wears no underwear at all (this can prove embarassing for all sides involved).

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Talking about a lawsuit with wedgies look at this!!

A $9 million wedgie? Where do we sign up? That's almost as good as Powerball.

But as easy as it is to make a target of Principal Susan Ulichny for filing a $9 million claim against the Merton School District, the fact is that no one has emerged with much credibility from the infamous and, apparently, never-ending wedgie incident.

Ulichny filed her claim after the School Board moved to take away her major duties as principal. Such action, she rightly maintains, would make it unlikely that any other district would hire her. The board's move was in response to efforts by some parents to get rid of Ulichny. They want her gone because they feel she overreacted last October when she called police to Merton Intermediate School after five boys attacked another boy on the playground, held him down and pulled on his underwear. We have argued that calling police probably was a mistake; that the incident should have been resolved by school officials. But it's tough to argue with the outcome: apologies to the victim and five hours of community service for the boys involved. What happened was wrong, and some punishment was appropriate. But parents can be awfully protective of their kids. Blaming school authorities and teachers for the irresponsible behavior of children has become a popular ploy. Moreover, there's a legal process that needs to be followed if the board wants to dismiss Ulichny. It hasn't done that. Ulichny's claim is an understandable effort to protect her interests. Is $9 million an absurd figure? Sure. But does Ulichny deserve to be fired or stripped of her responsibilities because she may have overreacted last October? Of course not. What's needed is some sense of proportion. Five kids did something nasty to another kid last fall. The children were appropriately punished. That's where this should end.

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