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Infantry in buildings


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I have seen this mentioned in a couple of threads and earlier reviews and would like some clarification (Okay I know that I will have the real answer when I get my pre-ordered copy ;) )...

Is it true that infantry cannot go into buildings? If so does this mean we should not expect to see any fibua and that the scenarios are all open country battles? Are there any other little udfs that we should be aware of?

BTW The in game videos look great, and I am happy to wait for the game - I would rather a finished product rather than a buggy release followed by patches.

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Originally posted by Avwriter:

Perhaps we could put an end to these repeated questions by changing the name of the game from "Theater of War" to "WWII - Outside the Damn Buildings!"

Just answer the question and everything will be fine!

rofl did it just right!

Best regards,


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Not in the short term. It's just not the focus of the game, and since there are no dense urban areas, buildings would be of limited use anyhow. Furthermore, I dare say that unless the buildings were transparent, it would be kind of tedious to manage troops that are both inside and outside of buldings.

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I'd really consider it for an exp-pack though. Initial game focuses on rural combat and the "mind blowing" expansion pack comes in and promises us some nice urban combat coupled with vehicles. No?

Still, a nice dream smile.gif

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The thing with implementing buildings is that it will be very difficult, I think a post I once saw by Moon suggested this would be more likely a TOW 2 than an addon thing, so it's best forgotten about. I mean, how do you get your guy to the window you want? Where is the door? Is there a damage model for the building? If so, can that huge hole that a panzer has just blown in the side of the building be considered a door for troops to enter/exit? What colour are the curtains? In other words I think there are a lot of issues the devs would have to sort out for buildings to feature, yes we'd all like it but it ain't gonna happen unless there's a TOW 2 and that will only happen if people support TOW 1 and they make some cash out of us... so buy it!

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The whole thing seems a little bit a mish mash of two styles. I mean you do not perform a company defence by micro managing who goes at which bit of a trench - you just assign the squad a trench line and give the, a covered arc.

Same surely for a house, "get in the red brick house and face the east". It can't be that difficult - or can it?

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Maybe keep it simple for ToW1 like in the Close Combat series and CM. I think most of us can live with that and the designers work on the true realism for ToW2.

I agree, if we support ToW well the chances of a Tow2 will be enhanced greatly smile.gif



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