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Arrrgh! Hey Schrullenhaft !

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Sorry, but you're my only hope!

Okay,specs: WinME, Athlon 1.4, AK31 MB, 256DDR Ram, TNT2 G-Card.

I get half-way through a turn when the computer just plain shuts off! I have to turn it back on manually. That's insane. I am recently firing a game up after a hiatus so I don't know when this started happening.

All listed components are brand new after an upgrade, though a month ago they ALL worked with CM. The only changes I've made are I installed the Directx 8.whatever a few days ago. Also a while back I installed the new Detonator drivers, let's see if I can find a number...maybe it's, if that's it. That's the .vxd file from System properties.

One thing I've noticed about my vid-card. After I upgraded to the new Processor and MB, I didn't have any sort of GUI for the graphics like I used to, ya know to adjust various stuff. Is there a place to get this. I think the original one I had came from the MB CD, but can't be sure.

Help me, Schrullenhaft, you're my only hope...

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Sorry, but you're my only hope!

Okay,specs: WinME, Athlon 1.4, AK31 MB, 256DDR Ram, TNT2 G-Card.

I get half-way through a turn when the computer just plain shuts off! I have to turn it back on manually. That's insane. I am recently firing a game up after a hiatus so I don't know when this started happening.

All listed components are brand new after an upgrade, though a month ago they ALL worked with CM. The only changes I've made are I installed the Directx 8.whatever a few days ago. Also a while back I installed the new Detonator drivers, let's see if I can find a number...maybe it's, if that's it. That's the .vxd file from System properties.

One thing I've noticed about my vid-card. After I upgraded to the new Processor and MB, I didn't have any sort of GUI for the graphics like I used to, ya know to adjust various stuff. Is there a place to get this. I think the original one I had came from the MB CD, but can't be sure.

Help me, Schrullenhaft, you're my only hope...<hr></blockquote>

What size power supply are you using? Did you upgrade that when you upgraded the rest? Maybe it can't handle all that power you got now.

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Okay, update:

I have a 350 watt supply and two fans, so I think I'm good there. I went to the "Cardex" site (my card manufacturer) and downloaded there graphics utility called "Expertool" along with there most recent driver.

I've reset the screen size, refresh rate, etc. than deleted the CMBO prefs, restarted the comp and tried to play--same thing! I just don't get it. I think I will try another 3D game and see if it works. I am beginning to rule out the 3D card as the problem.

I'll get back...

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I wouldn't think that an upgrade to DirectX 8.x would cause your problem. CMBO and your TNT2 should work fine with both DirectX 8.x and your 5.32 Detonator driver (and now your current one).

Have you installed the VIA 4-in-1 chipset drivers ? I'd highly suggest installing these since they can make a difference quite often. For the AGP portion of the installation when you select standard mode (the default) your card will be using AGP 1X/2X mode. When you select turbo mode you're making a selection for AGP 4X mode (which your card should handle - and this selection is only made at the time of installation; no control panel). Sometimes it is best to select the standard mode to see if this enhances stability (which may be your problem). This is also done from the CMOS/BIOS setup (usually under the Advanced Chipset portion). The Powerstrip utility has the capability to change your AGP slot's mode too, but I think you may have to purchase it (shareware) in order to get that feature working.

There are also some other CMOS/BIOS setup settings you can change that may affect the problems that you're seeing. One is the AGP Mode (1X/2X or 4X) and the other is the AGP Driving Value (on VIA-based motherboards). The AGP Driving Value is usually set automatically, but most motherboards allow for manual adjustment of these values. It usually isn't necessary to adjust these values, but on occasion it is. I'm not sure of the history of your particular motherboard, being based on the VIA KT266. If it comes down to making a manual adjustment to the AGP Driving Value, then you will need to be very careful. Some value settings may shut down your AGP video for good and these settings can't be brought back by clearing the CMOS ! You would need a PCI video card to readjust the CMOS settings again.

I'm not sure what you had earlier for adjusting your video properties, but I guess you have them back with your current CardEx drivers/utilities. There will be differences between some of the option tabs between Detonator driver versions. With a TNT2 you should be able to install just about any of the Detonator driver versions and not have problems (since most of the NVidia issues are/were with FSAA or the Win2K/XP white transparency problem). Some of the newest drivers have just caught up to the speed of the older ones, but I'm not sure how much of a benefit some of the newer drivers will be for non-GeForce NVidia chips. There are also a good number of tweaker/overclocker utilities for the NVidia line. You can get these and the latest NVidia drivers from Guru 3D.

If it comes down to making some hardware adjustments I would suggest changing the AGP Mode first (probably in the CMOS first and then by reinstalling the VIA chipset drivers to 'standard mode'). This solves a number of instability problems and the sacrifice in speed is almost negligble. Though it is strange that you would have to change any of this if all of this hardware was actually working fine a month ago.

[ 12-05-2001: Message edited by: Schrullenhaft ]</p>

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Thank you for the info. I checked BIOS and set my G-Card to 2x. Then I noticed a setting where it said the system would shut off if the TEMP ever got above 140 degrees f. Well, I turned on my SiSoft and checked the CPU temp and it showed a temp of 120 on average.

As I played Combat Mission, after wiping out all my mods and re-installing (boo hoo!) I noticed the temp regularly rise (by escaping to the desktop and refreshing SiSoft) until it got to 128 deg. Then I had finished my turn so I turned it off. When I get some more time, I will play longer and see if it gets up to 140, but I think it might.

What is a normal temperature for a CPU and what is the overheating temp? I also noticed that the RPM of my second CPU fan was 0, but I think my second fan might be a case fan, so it wouldn't show up then would it?

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Assuming that your motherboard's monitoring hardware is accurate (often they're off by quite a few degrees), your temperatures sound fine to me. 120° - 140°F sounds like a standard operating temperature for the Athlon's at that speed. I've read that the 'maximum' temperature for the 1.1+ GHz Athlon's is 95°C (203°F), which is very high (and of course dangerous when it gets that high). If your CMOS settings are at 140°F for shut off, I'd suggest setting it to a higher temp like 150°F.

In order to get the RPM's from a fan it has to have a '3-wire' connector (one wire sends back the RPM measurement) hooked up to the motherboard. If your fans hook up to standard molex connectors directly off of the power supply, then you won't get an RPM measurement (or acknowledgement that fan exists since it isn't hooked up to the motherboard for the CMOS to see).

It's possible that your CPU heats up beyond 140°F when running around in CM (the video card's GPU will definitely heatup when running 3D apps compared to a 2D desktop/apps). Hopefully the temperature adjustment will work for you.

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HiRes mods will definitely heat up the GPU, which probably is rather close to the CPU. Which means that even if they did not directly increase the load, and therefore the heat, on the CPU, they might well cause some difficulties WRT heat dissipation.


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I am getting a new Vid-Card. Other weird stuff happened lately, like one time, it freaked out and my desktop resolutiopn went to something ungodly, like 300 by 22 or somethin -- the mouse pointer was two inches long! I couldn't see the whole Properties screen to change it back either.

It was so freaking weird, finally I learned if you right click on the menu bar and select "Move" you can move the window around with the arrow keys. Never knew that! SO I had to move the window until I could get to the screen resolution slider and then with TAB key change it to something more normal, reboot and do a System Restore.

It took an hour before I finally figured it out. I think my TNT2 is F*CKED up or something. It often times kicks me out of any 3D app.

I hope it is my card,that is the only thing (besides HD) I haven't replaced yet...

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