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Ok, Now what should I do?


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Hello everyone.

I have a few questions about what I should do while I await the US release of ToW...

I'm a long time wargamer and enjoy Real Time (as long as it's realistic and not arcade'ish) as well as Turn-based war games. I was thinking of getting into the Combat Mission series but the first in the series ,Beyond Overlord, is bit dated when it comes to graphics compared to CMBB and CMAK. I do like the Western Front Ground War more then Eastern or North Afrika. Is there mods for CMBB or CMAK that get back to the Eastern Front or is there a Mod that drastically updates CMBO graphics? I'd hate to get CMBO and not ever play it since the graphics are so dated compared to the other two. Are these games going to be updated to the new CMx2 engine in the future?

My other question is about the Russian Version of TOW. I'm an American living in the US but my wife is from Russia and I am trying to learn Russian with her help. Can the Russian Version be purchased for digital download? Is there a link to the Russian versions website? Just trying to see how difficult it would be to go this route and have some fun and learning a new language to boot. Any thoughts?


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Originally posted by mazex:


The next release in CMx2 after the disastrous chioce of Syria as the first game will luckily for you be WWII-WTO...

yes, I could never understand why they decided to make a fantasy Syria CMx2. The amount of potential customers for that sort of game is miniscule compared with the gigantic amount of customers for a WW2 Cmx2.
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Originally posted by franz:

....I could never understand why they decided to make a fantasy Syria CMx2....

They officially said They would do that for stretching the engine to its max. If the engine would be able to handle modern weapon systems in all its nuances, it would be able to handle WW2 easily. With starting the other way around they could not make sure that their new engine would be able to handle the modern battles.

Nevertheless, I am not interested in modern warfare - I would have as much fun playing the Sims than playing a game of modern warfare..... I guess and hope I will wait for the WW2 game of CMx2 - at least after ToW.


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Hi Vern,

I would avoid CMBO because improvements to CMBB and CMAK make BO frustrating. For CMAK you can replay almost any engagement in Europe from 1939, it only lacks a few of the rarer items that were present in NE but not Italy, and that has not prevented enthusiasts making hundreds of scenarios recreating the western front. In addition you can download mods that completely makeover CM so that the units and camoflage used in the west are recreated. Some examples of modpacks include the 'whatifs' of Operation Sea Lion and 'Sie Kommen' (recreating an allied landing at Pas D'Calais), and CMETO is the best known complete makeover.


Vast array of CM mods

Sie Kommen Battlepack

CMAK makeover to CMETO

Scenario Depot - where enthusiasts post the scenarios they make

Although you say the eastern front doesn't interest you, keep an open mind and you'll come to agree that it was the ultimate front in terms of strategy, tactics and equipment. There really is so much more to this front than the western front, once you get into it there is no escape!

So yeah, I would get the CMAK/CMBB bundle pack, and not get CMBO. You can pick up CMAK or CMBB without paper rule book in shops for less than $10 . Despite the woefully out of date graphics these games are masterpieces in gameplay and realism that hasn't been matched since. I haven't tired of these games since I got into them about 4 years ago.

have fun

[ February 05, 2007, 08:48 PM: Message edited by: Sivodsi ]

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Thank you all for the rapid response to my inquiry. Looks like CMAK/CMBB are the way to go.. smile.gif

One thing I would like to clear up though, I like the Western Front better but that in no way means the Eastern Front or North Africa and the Med hold no interest. I guess my wanting CMBO is more like wanting a complete set of the European Theater and not just one part of it. If that makes sense.

I am glad to hear CMx2 will be heading back to the WWII era. Until then I have plenty to do.. CMBB/CMAK, ToW and I think I'll also look into Down in Flames..

Thanks guy's. See ya on the battlefield


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Originally posted by Vern_S:

My other question is about the Russian Version of TOW. I'm an American living in the US but my wife is from Russia and I am trying to learn Russian with her help. Can the Russian Version be purchased for digital download? Is there a link to the Russian versions website? Just trying to see how difficult it would be to go this route and have some fun and learning a new language to boot. Any thoughts?


Here's the official Russian website http://ww2.games.1c.ru

It's not available for digital download as far as I know, you should check Russian online shops if they can mail the game to you. I have bought it at a local mall, so I guess your best chance is to ask someone in Russia or other countries where the game's available to mail it to you.

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