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Well ToW isn't Combat Misson. So its not like its not gone, it never was there. Now I enjoy some RTS like Dawn of War but yes they are twich gamers paradise and don't always lend themselves to deeper strat. But I think what coudl work for ToW is the pace of the game. Dawn of War has no real scale in a sense, so you can have troops running at each other attacking enemies that in the real world would only be a few feet away.

But if ToW has a more accurate scale, then you will have much more time to give out orders as it takes a more realistic time for infantry to cross a field and such. That I think is were a game such as this can still have the intensity of RTS but also the tactics of a wargame.

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well ladies the pause button is there if you cant think quick enough. ;)

I know some of you guys are used to playing turn based games...but do you think a pause button is more realistic or unrealistic?

Events and situations happen in real time folks, its a test of your mental ability in quick decision making what determines a good player...not a ponderous ass with a pause button.

I wish there was no pause button!


An inch of time cannot be bought with an inch of gold.

Chinese Proverb

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The success or failure of this game will depend on how well it's digital soldiers react to events around them. Nothing can be more frustrating than having this happen -- your concentrating on one particular area of the battle you suddenly realise that a tank platoon/inf squad as just been annihilated on the other side of the map without you having any chance of affecting proceeding. This will certainly put off many.

I still think that the CM way of doing things(turn-based with replays) is best.

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The most hated feature in CM is that round - system. In reality you dont have time push any pause buttons or round ready buttons.

Reality is fast and mercilessly...

I wish it gives a CM 4 without round based feature, i has thought that wartime command is similarly to a sequel of CM. But now i know is it not..

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Well the cool thing is that if you are against pause buttons then don't use it! Make an agreement with those that you play with online not to use it. You see.....this give us, as a gaming group, a choice as to use pause or not. Now I wish we had the same choice with other options.

(I am trying not to judge before the demo)

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Originally posted by Sammy_Davis_Jnr:

well ladies the pause button is there if you cant think quick enough. ;)

I know some of you guys are used to playing turn based games...but do you think a pause button is more realistic or unrealistic?

Events and situations happen in real time folks, its a test of your mental ability in quick decision making what determines a good player...not a ponderous ass with a pause button.

So your saying having complete and constant command/control of all your units in real-time is realistic? That's exactly why their called clickfests, too much control. Basically, your not a company commander on the battlefield anymore, your more like a GOD controlling the soldiers and little man-made war machines on earth. That's the beauty of the CM games, they limit C&C. Which is obviously much more realistic. You give your orders and LOSE C&C for a 1 minute replay.

Sure I agree, taking infinite amount of time to ponder your next move is unrealistic. But if you use the timelimit option in TCP/IP games you may only get a few minutes to plot new orders, depends on how big the battle.

And the camera angles(birds eye view, gods view), don't even get me started. Ever play a CM battle against the AI restricting the camera to level 2? Ouch! :eek: Would of been nice if time and camera restrictions were made as options against the AI in CM.

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A pause button for games that require micro management is probably sensible. I'd like to see no pause and good ai combat groups that can be given orders via their own CO. Id say it would be good also if no micro managing was alowed and all your orders went to a group CO. Therefore you would be the force leader and not a man who can influence every unit by direct control. I think this way you would feel like a commander giving attack/defend objectives with varying levels of agression, seeing how well they progress and aiding with other groups or arty etc but never having the hand of god to say Nooo! i want that ATG 2 feet to the left ! Unless of course you were physicaly present in that specific area with your command group.


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Originally posted by Kettenhund:

The most hated feature in CM is that round - system. In reality you dont have time push any pause buttons or round ready buttons.

Reality is fast and mercilessly...

I wish it gives a CM 4 without round based feature, i has thought that wartime command is similarly to a sequel of CM. But now i know is it not..

I don't consider the "round" system a feature in CM... It’s the core of the game. The "we go" principal is genius and if you remove that, it’s something completely different.

And honestly I've found reality in terms of combat, from reading, my friends in Iraq, and war games I've been in to generally be a lot of hurry up and wait. It’s more slow and tedious than fast and mercilessly if it is combat you're referring to.

But I doubt many players would really want to play a “true” war game. If you want a realistic game then you’d have some of your soldiers ignore your orders to drag away a wounded comrade. You’d spend most of your mission doing long patrols and see no action. Elements like that aren’t usually in war games because generally they take away from the “fun.”

Originally posted by MeatEtr:

So your saying having complete and constant command/control of all your units in real-time is realistic? That's exactly why their called clickfests, too much control.

That is the truth. If they wanted it to be realistic they’d used only first person view, and you would more often than not just get to order your Lieutenants around and tell them what to do in general terms. Not be on the radio and every 30 seconds give orders like: “Go here, and then do this" - "Now move here." - "Ok, now turn around there" - "Open fire then crouch up the ridge line stay low.”

I don’t know if any of you have played paintball on a large scale but if you have and have had 100+ people under your command you must have seen how quickly things fall apart once the enemy comes in. Even with radios. You can’t micromanage people because A) There’s never enough time B) they wont listen to you anyway C) it makes it look like you don’t trust their own skills. Real people are not robots.

Now if you played a RTS mission and only allowing yourself say 10 click or “orders” per unit. That would be an interesting test of your forethought ability, rather than raw reaction skills.

Bottom line is the games that sell the best, make the most people happy.

So if you have a pause feature in, then more people are happy. Don’t use if you don’t want to. But don’t hate on other people for wanting to have a different experience than you.

[ September 24, 2006, 06:48 AM: Message edited by: BarbarossaDSS ]

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