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Pacific Theater in the Future???????


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Dear Battlefront:

Will there be additional theaters, preferably the Pacific Theater, of war released in the future, such as add-ons, patches?

I hope so, the Pacific Theater is hardly ever represented in any games which is a shame.

I may be biased seeing my father served in the USMC during WW2, fighting on Tarawa, Roi, Namur, Tinian, Saipan, and Iwo Jima as a BARman.

Anyways, thanks for any info.


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Yea, there really isnt much demand for the Pacific theatre, except for the sea and air battles. Even Battlefront didnt want to make an adaptation for CM because of a lack of interest on their part.

I'd prefer a tank sim myself. Hasnt been a good one since "Panzer Elite".

1C could use the same engine they are using now for ToW. The physics model and graphics models are already there. Just the interiors would have to be modeled (for the most part).

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Originally posted by gunnersman:

I'd prefer a tank sim myself. Hasnt been a good one since "Panzer Elite".

1C could use the same engine they are using now for ToW. The physics model and graphics models are already there. Just the interiors would have to be modeled (for the most part).

How funny you ask. Our friends at 1C are already like ten steps ahead of you. Check out this link T-34 vs Tiger

They are going to release this tank sim first quater of 07.

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Originally posted by zmoney:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by gunnersman:

I'd prefer a tank sim myself. Hasnt been a good one since "Panzer Elite".

1C could use the same engine they are using now for ToW. The physics model and graphics models are already there. Just the interiors would have to be modeled (for the most part).

How funny you ask. Our friends at 1C are already like ten steps ahead of you. Check out this link T-34 vs Tiger

They are going to release this tank sim first quater of 07. </font>

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