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upconvert scenarios?

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I d/led a couple of scenarios yesterday, made for 1.02, etc.

They're not showing up in my SC2 'new game' choice, and I'm assuming it's cuz my version is too new.

Is this logical? I'd assume it could read older versions? Do I need to take some step to 'upconvert' the scenarios?

Thanks in advance for any help.


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What scenarios were these, what version do you have, and how did you go about installing them? You're not being clear.

When you talk about versions, do you mean SC 2 WaW 1.01 as opposed to 1.02? SC and SC 2 Blitzkrieg can't read each other's scenarios as far as I know, and SC 2 Blitzkrieg scenarios need to be converted to work properly in WaW.

Are you sure you installed the scenarios properly? If you just dump them into the SC folder without looking nothing much will happen. I set up my own mods so you can do that and get away with it, but as far as I know nobldy else does.

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I have SC2 1.08 without WaW.

from the cmmod.com the scenario I *specifically* am having problems with is 1937 Fall Schwarzv4.1 (made for sc2 1.02)

I did put the scenario and .cgn into the 'campaigns' folder, and other scenario's have worked fine that way... is there something else I need to do?

Thanks for help.

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Just downloaded it and it doesn't work in my version of SC 2 Blitzkrieg either.

But there's a readme file in there that says "USE WITH SC2 VERSION 1.02".

Knowing nothing about this particular mod I would have to take the modder at his word. This is a prime example of why modders should always include contact information, because the author is usually the only one who can really support a mod properly.

When you try to load the scenario in the editor you get an error message to the effect that the garrison text file is missing and the game cannot load.

I suspect that to play this scenario you might need to roll your version of SC 2 back to 1.02, which is pretty drastic given that SC 2 is now at 1.08. When you first mentioned 1.02 I thought you might be talking about WaW because that happens to be its current version number.

@Bill The readme file is interesting -- this is exactly the kind of scenario that's been discussed in another forum. If there were a way to open it I'd say it's a candidate for a conversion to WaW along with a complete overhaul and rewrite (because of the differences in the engine).

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