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How do I play games from a package?

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Thanks Mord good to hear that your keyboard isn't being contaminated, however I tried to do that and somehow it wouldn't let me! All that I could do was put the whole package in the senarios file which can't in its self be opened from. Actually it doesn't even show up as anything listed in battles to play. BTW the icon for the package is a clump of coloured books or folders neatly stacked upon one another as aposed to a sernario file icon. :confused:

Thanks Mord for the link to the Proving Grounds I think that the sernarios are there for me to get anyway, but still I'm going to have problems downloading packages.

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Thanks for the offer Mord, I tried to forward to your adress the e-mail with the attatchment of the package that Treeburst 155 sent me but my CPU froze/crashed after it checked the attatchment for viruses and fond none! :confused:

As I said I will get the games from the Proving Grounds when I find them, I have joined and started to download games already, I shouldn't be too long in finding them, thanks again. ;)

Edit: thanks for the advice Philippe but I think I tried doing that but I'll try again.

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