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Saw a special on new weapons a few days ago on the discovery channel. The Javelin was featured. From what I have heard steve say, its a pretty impressive weapon.

A video of a live fire test:


My question: how are Javelins dispersed amongst the troops in a Styker brigade? I assume they don't carry them on the squad level, perhaps platoon?

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I've read about the Javelin flight trajectory but its something else to see it in action! I think Moon boasted that they've nailed the Javelin flight path in the game.

...Ah, I just read in army-technology.com that Javelin has two modes, a top-down mode where the missile first climbs to 150m before diving (seen in the video), and a more direct fire mode where it first climbs to 50m. I was rather wondering how one would target the base of a high-rise building if your weapon was only limited to a plunging attack.

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Iron Man,

Where do you get that figure from, It may be true for a javelin as a weapon, but not for a single round.

On that basis a shell from a T-72 is highly cost effective if it kills a Javelin, crew but not as effective as an AK-47 because 7.62mm rounds are dirt cheap.

Given that the alternative to a Javelin is a M1A2 that costs a lot more than a T-72, the Javelin is value for money, as it can take it out the T-72, at a range when it can't hit you ( unless it uses a Laser ATGM of course).

An RPG_7 round is far cheaper than one for a Javelin, but your chances of success and survival much lower. To be cost effective you need to be able to succeed and that's what counts against the RPG-7 etc.

Where it becomes an issue is where the effect of an attack from a second had F-16 costing £12m ids no different from a carrier based JSF costing $60m.


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first thing to be noted is that i was exaggerating

I think i see where you're coming from with the whole cost-effective thing, but i would still prefer a TOW launched from a heli, Hummer, Bradley or wherever.


o, and the prices on the Javelin:


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