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Mac Mods for CM2

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All mac users:

Charles informed me that CM2 will not be using resource files for the graphics (not sure on sounds yet).

The bmps will be used by the game, no mods necessary (well, we'll see about pinkees). A folder (or two or more) will be used to hold the bmps, and simply drag and drop new ones in the folder and CM will use them!

good news, as there wont be any resource file size limits to contend with! woo hoo!

now, the question:

are you still interested in a mac mod manager? With the change to a bmp folder, I can code up a simple one to allow previewing, backups, etc, much like MCM3 currently does. 'Cept there wont be any mapping of textures, nor a command to strip out picts, etc.

let me know if you'd still like a mod manager, similar to MCM3, for CM2. If so, and you have some changes in mind, let me know what features you would like to see and I'll see what I can do to accomodate you.



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Hi Dave.

No more resource files! Woohoooo! That means us mod sluts aren't forced to compromise! smile.gif

I think a mod manager would be great. Might it do something similar to the batch files that are available for the Wintel folks now? It'd be great to be able to do that...no more plainpacks for me! :D

So, let's here it Mac folks! Yes to an updated mod manager!

And hey, you owe me a turn! ;)

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Well, there is interest in one after all.. I'll make sure to get one out when CM2 comes out. As I said before, if you have an idea to improve MCM3, let me know.

As for the dojo, I practice (when I have the time, which is limited this year) at

Arizona Aikido Ki Society

I'm in the process of updating the web site, but it gives location and some background info.


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Another question regarding the future mod manager:

would you like a smaller, separate, drag and drop app that would swap out textures from one folder, and save the current textures to s swap folder?

for example:

there are a bazillion sherman mods. Say you have Sherman X installed, but need Sherman A for a game you are playing.

Would it be desired to have a separate mod manager that would accept the dropped sherman folder (Sherman A), transfer the existing sherman bmps (sherman X) from the CM folder to a swap folder, then place the new sherman bmps (Sherman A) in the CM folder?

instead of making a backup, the program could swap the files, making it easier to swap out vehicles, terrain, etc.

Seeing how there arent resource files to deal with, this would be easy to do, and probably the preferred method.

This would be a stripped down app, no preview or anything, just drag, drop and go. I would also provide a larger app more along the lines of MCM3, that would also accept drag and drop, but would preview the files and you would have to click buttons to swap the textures.

let me know what you think; I think it'll be pretty easy to do both.


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I can probably go one better, and have the mini-manager, and full up manager, convert a number of subfolders at the same time (I think). This way one could have a folder called "Normandy - Summer" mods, and sub folders within it "Landscape," Uniforms, etc, then make a separate one for "Germany - spring 45," say, with a whole different skin for CM, if you will. Instead of having to do each vehicle separately, you could load up the folder and batch the entire time period.

Hmm, this could be good. Not so good for hard drive space, but could be good.

More work for me, too.

(as for the PC users.. if they want to provide the bucks for the real basic compiler for windows, I'd supply the code...)

I also plan on having the program remember where your CM folder is, allow the user to name the folder(s) the extracted bmps are placed in, etc.

This is starting to get more involved....

Oh, overall, any dislikes about the interface in MCM3? Right now, I plan on having the full up version look similar to it, and function in a similar manner. Now's the time to start getting inputs in for annoying things that you want out of it.

(opening up a can of worms there, arent I?)

Now, if I can only convince BTS to provide me with an advance copy so I can have this done at the time of release.. ;)


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Ok, a bit of a feature request here. I think it should be more possible with the move away from resource files...

Basically, I like the back-up ability in MCM3, but the issue is when you change different things in the same resource files over a couple of mods. If you don't remember, running the second mod will 'backup' your resource file that already had the first mod in it. Would it be possible to have a last state for each individual texture? Obviously, this would basically double your hard drive usage.

I'm not sure if I'm being clear here, so as an example (this example assumes that the Sherman and Stuart textures are in the same resource file, which may or may not be the case in reality, but work with me here smile.gif ) Say, I install a Sherman mod, then install a Stuart mod. Currently, if I back up after the Stuart mod, the new Sherman is ingrained in that backup. I'm looking for the capability to be able to remove the Sherman mod without messing up the Stuart mod...

Hope that was clear.

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very clear, and something I didnt like with MCM3.. never thought that I would mod each folder by itself.

the new one will prompt you to enter in a folder name, then move out (swap) the textures that correspond to the bmps that are being converted. That way, it is backed up, but not in the traditional sense. And it should just move the bmps that are being changed.

mind you, I havent coded it up yet, but this is my initial plan.

thanks! any others?



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