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THANK YOU for linking to seige of Pervomaiskoye! I remember watching footage of the event back while it was taking place. I've brought up the topic a few times here (not recalling the village name) and was unable to find anyone else who recalled it. I especially recall seeing TV news footage of Russian artillery rockets being fired flat-trajectory over open sites into the not-too-distant village. Yikes!

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Originally posted by MikeyD:

THANK YOU for linking to seige of Pervomaiskoye! I remember watching footage of the event back while it was taking place. I've brought up the topic a few times here (not recalling the village name) and was unable to find anyone else who recalled it. I especially recall seeing TV news footage of Russian artillery rockets being fired flat-trajectory over open sites into the not-too-distant village. Yikes!

The conflict had everything in regards to how a full out guerilla war continuum would evolve in modern times. It didnt quite capture the popular imagination in gaming though, which could be lack of interest in the region, lack of media exposure, or simply ethics (any clip, and I mean any clip on youtube that is from the region is fraught with extreme commotion in the comments sections).

There are quite a few sources on the conflict. Here is a relevant one where some of the chechen leadership gives insight into how they they planned and executed their battles;


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