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Self preservation issues

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I have been playing 1.02 all night and have yet to see any self preservation behavior by Strykers. Had a T55 sitting on a small rise 600 - 700 meters from 8 Strykers. In 6 different replays (all different modes), and the T55 killed all eight Strykers with not a single Stryker popping smoke or trying to evade.

I saw some people saying that they had seen units popping smoke and seeking cover. Am I doing something wrong?

btw, the morale model seems to be working, Stryker crews were panicking all over the place. I even saw a crew abandon its vehicle after units around it were destryed.

[ August 11, 2007, 04:49 AM: Message edited by: thewood ]

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see any self preservation behavior by
i still have a issue not many here will part with me, but i feel the bots are to dumb to hide themselfs.

thats why the 1st sceanario campain is such a walk in the park. its open with trenches and when you tell your guys(i a similar scenario that is) to hide inthere they seem to stick their heads out "quiet regualry" becouse they wont stay hidden for long.

i perfctly understand the use of all those hight tech stuff, but a man "duck" in trench is still invisible unless someone or something watches from above wich isnt possibly with vehicles from far away(means 200 or more, below that the guys in trench would get active(or that point you unhide em) wich leads to a spot).

so far i found houses the only thing where a unit can stay really hidden.

from that point of view its hard to do outdoor scenarios since,more or less, all is spottet in the first 3-4 rounds(as with the 1st campainbattle). i dont say trenches should be as good as houses ;) but to get them usefull they could use a little boost.

right now you have to overstack them and pray that the player doesnt pick them out one by one from far away, where they cant do a thing :confused:

but not becouse the enemy can x-ray the trenches but becouse the "hide" command assumes these guys to spott a bit too much. they arent hiding effectively.

well, i dunno. maybe the red troops are "abstracted" idiots and tired of their life. even if they are allowed to hide they manage to get themselfs shot.

is this OK for everyone else!?


thats a big self preservation issue for me ;)

[ August 11, 2007, 04:34 AM: Message edited by: Pandur ]

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