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Testing Intel in Elite

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Ran Wadi Scouts hotseat modified with a BMPs as a test.

Start up from US:

4 grayed out ? seen from the start...seems reasonable that the strykers could see these bunkers.

Hit start:

get a few more greyed out ? with no info

Got BMP fully recognized after about 30 sec. play time but info on it.

Got solid on bunkers but no info other they are crewed.

Played a couple of turns but no significant change in intel. I really like the relative spotting thing.

Turn 5:

during the Syrian turn, I openned up the BMP.

About 5 seconds into the US execution, I immediately got an icon for the HQ unit being exposed. No info on it, just that it was an HQ unit.

I did notice that if I leave the BMP closed, when I order it to fire, the commander opens, mans the AT4, fires, then buttons again.

What did I learn:

The intel and FOW work great.

One small exception is that the US immediately knew it was an HQ unit as soon as it openned up. I also checked and saw as soon as I opened up the BMP, the HQ being carried stuck their bodies out of the hatches. I am going to test with different infantry units to see if its only HQs that get immediately recognized or all infantry.

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