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CMBO Special Edition - SS mods

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I recently bought the CMBO Special Edition - I already had purchased CMBO off Battlefront but thought I'd take advantage also of the extra scenarios and mods on the special edition extra CD - partly because my computer's quite slow and to save me the effort of downloading mods - and partly of course for the noble reason of helping sales of such a great product, etc, etc...

I was however slightly miffed when I loaded up CDV's CMBO special editon to find Waffle grenadiers stomping over Western Europe, rather than the SS to which I'm more accustomed.

GRRRRAAAAGGGHHHHH :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: , (as I believe the correct phrase for this kind of thing is in these parts).

I know I was naive and should have realised that when buying CDV's product, this is what I would get and I totally understand CDV's reasons etc.

But, and this is a big but, I'd kind of like to have the SS back (for no other reason than realism, I hasten to add - 'Waffen grendiers' just doesn't hit the right kind of note for me).

My question therefore is whether there is a mod dealing with this for CMBO? I know there's one for CMBB as this was discussed a lot when it first came out but I'm not sure whether the question has arisen for CMBO before.

Can anyone help?

Many thanks in advance

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Originally posted by Nero's Cat:

If you've got an original CMBO US game why don't you load the new CDV mods (bmp folder) and scenarios into the original folder and play via the original program. The ss/waffen difference lies mainly in the executable bar a couple of bmps.

"CDV SS mod" in the search throws up a few threads also

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You're both idiots. Nobody took out the SS from the game because of pressure from Jews.

Also, if you knew anything at all, you'd realize that Jewish groups concerned with WW2 and the Holocaust are interested in telling everyone the horrible truth about that time period and NOT interested in denying, covering up or changing the truth.

Get a clue before you start pointing fingers at "the jews."

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Perhaps I was hasty to generalize those opposed to having element's like the SS as only being Jews. Perhaps nervous marketing execs are behind the revisionist elements in games like this. I am about to buy the retail versian of CMBB which should be out any day now. I hope it has'nt been "sanitized" or revised. However I don't tolerate being called names even on a faceless message board so that "idiot" remark was uncalled for. And not to go into some pro/anti jew flame war.. but for the record many jews try their damndest to limit Nazi symbolism in the media (if they feel it is offensive)

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General Brock,

BTS' decision to have the "Waffle" units in certain versions of CMBO/CMBB revolve around laws in certain countries, especially Germany. Do a search in the CMBO/CMBB forums about all this. It has been heavily discussed.

Please be sure you get check which version of CMBB you are getting to ensure it is not the "SS censored" version. If it is, all is not lost. Apparently there are user made fixes for it.

Lt Bull

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General Brock....

The Jewish remarks don't bother me a bit....The SS are gone for good (in real life)!! I happen to use the SS runes in CMBB (and have made collar tabs representing various divisions), because it is historical. The German goverment has said it is illegal (in that country)to display the SS Runes or the Swastika! It has nothing to do with my people! We do control the banks etc., in the rest of the world though!! :eek: ROFLMAO That's a joke guys, just kidding! :rolleyes:


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General Brock

Forgot to add a remark...A modder named "Pud" made a beautiful mod for CMBB, which adds .bmps of SS uniforms with the SS runes! I have a zip file with the uniforms, I'll send it to you if you email me at;


The zip file is 2.97 megs, so, I'll have to break-it up into a couple of zip files, so I can email them to you! Don't worry, there will not be any "worms or viruses" included! :D


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The CMBB:Special Edition is the same as the US version, so SS, (word and graphic) is intact. At least it was before I sent the master over to CDV to get duplicated. ;)

The CMBO:SE version, well, actually (heheh) that was a mistake. It was IIRC *supposed* to have been the original version but the wrong exe and rune graphic got used (the one with Waffen Grenadier) and no one noticed until, well just a few weeks ago. Not too bad since its been out since May!

There are mods out that will put the SS runes back in so its not a big deal.

Okay, I don't want this thread heating up over the SS issue though so I am going to lock it down in a pre-emptive strike.


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