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Show all movement/command lines option?

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Anyway, like Dirtweasle says, having the target line go through terrain helps to figure out the topography.

But a "toll" to figure if your armor is "hull down" would be very nice.

When you target enemy unit, it would also be nice to see the %exposure (%hit) and the firepower. It help to maximizes the effectiveness of your soldier

Old CMBB habit !

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I see. Well when you get to it, I don't think a few extra lines are going to kill us here. You could always make it a toggleable setting.

Speaking of performance, the one thing that really sucks up performance right now are buildings, and very much unusually so. Probably worth investigating.

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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

I'd much rather have "show all moves" with terrain cut through than to hold off until Charles has the time to program terrain hugging lines.


Agreed completely, terrain hugging movement/target lines is not that critical. Just get the cutting through terrain lines in ASAP. That was literally the first thing I tried to do in my first CMSF battle to better see what's going on.
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