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Please; set a newb straight. Will this game be at brigade level?

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No, company level, as in there is about a company on screen and your control is at squad level, just like the old CMX1 series.

AFAICT, this also means that there is no inherent upper limit, just the limitations of computers.

Try skimming through the stickies at the top too, as there are doubtless answers for questions you haven't thought of yet there.

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I think that also CMBB/AK continued doing company level best. Anything above was just opening too many cans of worms, in my view. It could be done of course, but it was clear to me at least that it was forcing the game to do things it was not designed for.

All the best


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Judging by Steve's comments, I don't think BFC is putting any inherent limitations on the number of units you can cram onto the map; the limitation will rather be what makes logical sense given the map size and combat situation, and of course the power of the computer running the game. .

Still, given that they've announced a very respectable max. map size of 16 sq. km., I'm sure that, just as happened with CMx1, once the game has been out for a while, and computers get faster, Scenario Designers will push the limits, certainly to battalion-sized engagements, and probably higher, maybe even approaching a full-out brigade on-map.

Basically, unless the game engine outright prevents it, sooner or later, someone is going to make the CM:SF equivalent of "To the Volga."

We'll just have to wait and see how and enjoyable a battalion+ scenario will be in CM:SF. Playing RT, I doubt such a scenario would be very playable at all. WEGO, it might have some appeal. With CMx1, I tend to prefer smaller scenarios where I can complete an orders phase in 5 minutes or less. But I must admit that I did very much enjoy the "Operation Storfang" series of scenarios in CMBB, which featured very large numbers of units on very large maps -- took me about 1/2 hr on average to complete an orders phase, and couple of months to play through a single scenario.



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