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Graphic Issue: Collision Detect

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Vehicle vs. Vehicle

It just looks silly (kills and sense of realism) to see vehicles driving half way through each other, this combined with path finding leaves vehicle screen shots looking like something out of the transformers movie. Yes I know this is the same way it was the first generation Combat Mission games but, come on this is now a second generation Combat Mission game and needs better collision detect.

Vehicles vs. Infantry

Vehicles just run over troops with no effect or injury. It doesn’t look very realistic, and sense game like Sudden Strike, Blitzkrieg, and Soldiers Heroes of WII can do this, I don’t understand why Shock Force can’t do it. In Theatre of War vehicles avoid each other, buildings, and infantry get up and get out of the way when vehicles pass by.

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I'd rather vehicles go through infantry than having a buggy model for running over them. It's all abstract anyway, what does it matter if we see a vehicle going through infantry? All the game is telling you is that the vehicle just passed close by to your infantry.

As far as vehicle collisions I do agree the "molding" effect looks rather silly, and vehicles have a bad habit of molding with one another and moving along SLOWLY until they unmold, leaving them very vulnerable. I don't remember how CMx1 dealt with this though.

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Originally posted by pad152:

Vehicle vs. Vehicle

Yes I know this is the same way it was the first generation Combat Mission games but, come on this is now a second generation Combat Mission game and needs better collision detect.

This is what I don't understand, because its not that way in CMx1. If one AFV runs into another, it only "penetrates" the model a bit, then either changes its movement, or if the other vehicle is dead, pushes it out of the way. In CMx2, it all seems to be matador collision detection. Ole' and right through you go.
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