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It should be possible. I assume that you're only speaking of the game related files (bitmaps, sounds, etc.) and not installed programs which may have registry entries that wouldn't come over in such a process. The CM series is a bit of an exception to the 'programs' problem since it doesn't have hardly any registry entries (with the exception of uninstallers).

Installing the old hard drive in the new system will probably be the fastest way to move the data. The only advantage other methods (burned CD, USB storage device, etc.) may offer is having an additional backup, but at the cost of speed.

[ April 27, 2004, 05:18 PM: Message edited by: Schrullenhaft ]

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Way to copy over games which need installs:

1) Install game on new system in the same location.

2) Patch up to whatever version you had on old.

3) Copy files from old system over new system.

Boom, you can have your hacked HL install.


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