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no sound after install SB Audigy 2 ZS


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by CB BB Version 1.03

By playing newer games, for example Rome TW, I have no sound problems.The soundcard is correctly installed, new drivers are installed,no conflicts.

My system:

P 4; Mainboard:gigabyte Titan 667, Windows 98 SE;ATI Radeon 9800 pro.

The sound in the game is enabled(shift+S) ;)

Anyone an idea ?? Please help !

P.S.Excuse my english,it's not my native speech.



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I'm not familiar with any issues with CM and the Audigy 2 series. You could delete the Prefs file, but this will force you to reselect your display resolution again, but it also holds your sound settings set by the Shift+S: on+ambient, ambient off, off. Deleting this file should set sound to the default setting: on+ambient.

What kind of speaker setup do you have - two channel stereo, 5.1, 6.1, 7.1, etc. ? How are your speakers hooked up to the soundcard, via analog connections or a digital SPDIF ? Does your speaker setup in the control panel match how you have it hooked up ?

CM only supports two discrete channels of audio to my knowledge. I believe soundcards that support more than two channels will probably have the same stereo signal sent to each respective set of stereo channels (i.e. - 6.1 will have three sets of stereo output). However I could be wrong about this or it could vary with particular soundcards and their drivers.

I'm not aware if there are any problems between the EAX control panels/utilities that Creative installs with their soundcards and CM. You may want to unload these or change them to very basic settings to see if this helps.

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This is most likely a DirectX issue. DirectX provides several different APIs for sound. One or more but not all of them can be broken in the driver or in DirectX (this is similar to fog on Radeons, the ATI for one fog method is broken but for other fog methods it works). Most likely it is a version conflict between the DX version the driver expects and what you have.


- driver for your soundcard from Windoze update, not the vendor

- DirectX reinstall/update (note in Frodo voice: some things cannot be undone)

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