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Offline gameplay


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i've been following a bit the developpement of DiF and am quite interested.

I haven't played the card game but from what i read this looks really good for a flight simming enthousiast like me.

However i'd like to know if i can still enjoy DiF without playing online. I sometime play online with other games but usually prefer tackling the computer AI even if i loose some 'real human competition'.

So would you recommend DiF as an offline game too ?

Thanks for any insight,


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Originally posted by Bongokid:


i've been following a bit the developpement of DiF and am quite interested.

I haven't played the card game but from what i read this looks really good for a flight simming enthousiast like me.

However i'd like to know if i can still enjoy DiF without playing online. I sometime play online with other games but usually prefer tackling the computer AI even if i loose some 'real human competition'.

So would you recommend DiF as an offline game too ?

Thanks for any insight,


Bongo, I rarely play games online but this one is pretty well suited for online. Plus, the people I've flown with/against have been really nice folk. Your pilot stable is seperated between online and offline stables. Anyway, two points....

1) Offline is still fun...you can dogfight to your heart's content against the computer

2) You can build up an online pilot flying against the computer if you wish....without playing against any humans while logged in...then when the mood strikes you can jump in against real people.

Best of both worlds.....

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Another point to make is that human players actually tend to play better than the bots. I have seen the AI do dumber stuff than even me. :(

And I actually do not play single player games anymore, its all online for me, but wargamers tend to act 1000 times better during play than other games. And there really are some great guys who know a lot about the subject matter, so it may be nice for you to play with other enthuiasts.

Guys like Kuroi Neko, Pawlock, Thunder, zonzo, raztak, demoss, and many others make this game so fun.

Hope to see you online.


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Hi Bongokid. Yes you can strictly play offline and still have a rewarding game, that's how I started playing initially. The AI does a couple things(mistakes) a Human would never do which you can take advantage of, but it can still be very dangerous. At times when playing the Bots I feel it has outrageous luck in drawing cards but perhaps that's just my impression. And then when the opportunity arises there are a great number of guys online that build community and enhance the social aspect. You won't be disappointed.

Yep that's another beer for you SixxKiller!


aka Zonso

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Thanks for the replies guys smile.gif

I'm completely aware that online gaming is usually much more challenging and fun that offline gaming and have had my share of online play. However I've noticed that online gaming sucks up time in a manner that offline gaming doesn't.

So I'll probably end up following Rastak's advice and play mainly offline but sometime pop up online :cool:


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Originally posted by Ron:

At times when playing the Bots I feel it has outrageous luck in drawing cards but perhaps that's just my impression.

In the few (6 or so games I have played in the beta/demo) so far I have not yet gotten initiative and I have only been able to down a wingman once (never yet gotten a flight leader). Sometimes it seems like the AI is getting a lot more cards and just what it needs. In every fight I have spent most of my time clicking on the No Response button because my cards are useless yet the enemy always has a response even when I am double-teaming the wingman.

Anyone else run into this?

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Initiative is awarded by altitude from highest to lowest.

To see as many cards as possible, try flying at Very Low and Low, that way you get +1 Horsepower (card draws) at the end of each turn.

Also, When it is time to discard, discard as many useless cards as you can to maximize your draws.

You will be able to draw cards equal to your Horsepower rating, but you cannot draw in excess of your Performance rating.

For example, if you have HP2 and P6 and you are holding 5 cards, you will only be able to draw 1 card.

So, if you have a hand of useless cards, dive to Low or Very Low to get +1 HP, then make sure and discard as many useless cards as you need to in order to maximize your draws.

Also, buying the Extra Card skill early is very handy. Even one card can make a big difference in early games.

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