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SC2 & WaW Hybrid Counters Finished

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Hi Everyone,

THANKS once again to Hubert for making such a great game and Philippe for all the pointers. My apologies to all the purists who may be offended by some of the Level 5 Aircraft included in the mix.

SC2 France 1940 Sample:


WaW Russia Sample:


Both SC2 & WaW Counter sets are posted at: http://www.cmmods.com/web/CMMods.nsf

Look for postings made by VonScurg.

I hope you like them.

Any comments are welcome.



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These are most excellent counters HimAgain. Now I can tell you put in a lot of effort...but...if you would like to think of something else

Then read on....

I was thinking about the intrusion the colored background makes on the map landscape and how that could be remedied. The silhouettes and the Nato designations could reside on a tranparent oval that was shaded for the national colors allowing the terrain to be observed in greater abundance.

Also, I don't know if the upgrade numerals could be moved to the base of the unit designations slightly above where the strength numbers now reside. Kind of getting things together and doing away with the square counter mats altogether.

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Hi SeaMonkey,

Thanks for the feedback.

My original intent was to reproduce a hybrid PanzerBlitz-Third Reich boardgame look to the counters, but I do see what you mean about the terrain being hidden.

I used the original military counters shipped with the game as my template for the counter dimensions. This would ensure the proper alignment of the unit strengths, and upgrade attributes etc.

What you are suggesting would improve the map view but man, I’m not sure if I’m able to tackle all you are suggesting.

I’m currently working on an expanded WaW counter set to introduce more variation.

e.g. LRDG for Special Forces in the desert instead of the current SAS insignia.



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I finished a Fall Weiss game with your new counters and I loved 'em. Great work. Especially the ships and the amph. assault vehicle graphics, very good. It especially makes the ship battles seem in better perspective in terms of the actual relative size of the ships fighting each other. And the Special Forces units look especially good too. Thanks for doing all of them!

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Hi Billy,

Glad you liked them.

I'm working on a version which displays the transport when infantry units are mechanized and they move. There will also be variations in the tanks & planes e.g. JagdPanther, JSU152, Su76, Hs129, HMS Nelson, etc.

More leaders portraits (Rundstedt, Manstien, Kesselring, Bradley, Wavell etc.)

Considering putting in portraits of famous fictional characters for Special Ops forces too. Such as Sgt Steiner(Cross of Iron), General Colt (Kelly's Heroes)as a General, LeeMarvin (Dirty Dozen), Col Steiner (Eagle Has Landed), Sgt Maj Peacock (Devils Brigade) the list goes on and on, but I'm afraid I'll be crossing the line here.

What I find is that I get somehow more attached to the units when I see a Special Ops portait and manage to loose them in my test games.

All the above will require me to over-right the existing 3D Counters.

The real problem is time. Do i do the SC2 World Mod and include the Japanese or continue continue with WaW 3D replacement

FeedBack is always greatly appreciated.



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My vote is for a SC2 World mod.

You have shared a labor of love with us and i would like to "Thank You". :D

Your attention to detail is awesome as is your dedication to your project.

The thing i like the most, is it gives the game a Boardgame look, which i miss when i have time to think about it. smile.gif

Keep up the great work.

As far as the pictures go for the counters, Put whatever you want on them.

It is your mod, do as you please.

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Thanks for your outstanding efforts!

But I wouldn't go for famous movie characters... as much as I like Lee Marvin as a actor it would seem a little awkward to see him on a counter. I'd use the historical figures for that.... Skorzeny, or Peiper, or whoever.

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