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Screenshots on NATO-symbols on land units coming up?

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Originally posted by Kuniworth:

I always play with NATO-symbols. Curious about NATO-symbols and how they will look on land units.

Per my other request, please do this and make it 2D for us old grognards as well as all the fancy new stuff for the kids.
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Originally posted by Shaka of Carthage:

This is WWII people... NATO symbols can be something a user offers as an enhancement. The symbols used by SC2 should be the WWII symbols.

Sure, as long as they and the map can be 2D!
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Correction. The northamerica02.jpg screenshot in the announcement does show NATO style counters so you can see what they look like. Again, these could be edited to show the current SC1 counters or any of their variants or something new. If you want sharks with friggin lasers on their heads, that's possible also. ;)

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If you want sharks with friggin lasers on their heads, that's possible also.

Exactly how well would sharks with laser beams do against carriers or subs? Can we edit the sharks with laser beams? Is there research for the sharks with laser beams?

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