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Game Difficulty Settings for AI

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SC1 had settings for adjusting the plunder and experience for AI opponents.

What settings will SC2 have?

Any chance for:

A. FOW bonus for AI units (for all AI units)

Beginner = +0

Intermediate = +1 spotting range bonus

Expert = +2 spotting range bonus

Genius = No FOW for AI

RANDOM (selected bonus is unknown to player)

I suggest this as it seems to me to be a fair compromise between giving the AI no Spotting Bonus and allowing it to see everything all the time.

B. Diplomacy Chit bonus for AI (for German and UK AI)

Beginner = +0 chit

Intermediate = +1 chit

Expert = +2 diplomacy chits

Genius = +4 diplomacy chits

RANDOM (selected bonus is unknown to player)

This variable would allow players to play a game against an AI where diplomacy is more important. I suggested this as I fear that the AI may too often ignore diplomacy, much as it ignores research in SC1.

C. Research Chit Bonus for AI (for German and US AI)

Beginner = +0

Intermediate = +1 chit

Expert = +2 chits

Genius = +4 chits

RANDOM (selected bonus is unknown to player)

To counter the tendency of the AI in SC1 to under invest in research as compared to the Human player.

D. Random Unit Bonus for AI (for Germany and US)

Beginner = +0

Intermediate = +1 unit

----(Germany gets 1 sub, 1 rocket, or 1 bomber)

----(US gets 1 cruiser or 1 bomber or 1 HQ)

Expert = +2 units

----(Germany gets 2 subs, 2 rockets or 2 bomber units)

----(US gets 2 cruisers or 2 bombers or 1 carrier)

Genius = +3 units

----(Germany gets 3 subs, 3 rockets or 3 bomber units)

-----(US gets 2 carriers, or 3 bombers)


Giving the AI a bonus number of seldom built built units has the ability to change the character of the game.


This would allow players to easily adjust the difficulty of each game.

Players wanting to play against a more unpredictable opponent could select RANDOM and the selected bonus would be unknown to the human player.

[ April 16, 2005, 08:37 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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I suggested the additional difficulty settings because I feel that

1) it is easier and faster to adjust them through a menu instead of going through the editor.


2) I like the idea of facing an AI with a random but unknown advantage - ie the Random selection under difficulty settings - be it in spotting range, diplomacy chits, research or units.


AS for SC-3; great topic

Perhaps an American Civil War Game, It fits in nicely with the SC Scale and HQ units. You would need only a few changes such as;

01. Railroads - operational movement can occur only along rail roads. Cutting a railroad line would prevent the operational movement of units along that rail line.

02. Railroad Transport Points - Each side would have only a limited amount of Rail Transport points to use.

03. Random selection of HQ units for Union Player, which tended to field the less capable commanders early in the war.

04. Spotting Range reduced to 1 Tile for all units.

05. Research areas limited to Intel, Ironclads, Rail Transport capability and ?

06. Merchant Shipping from Europe to CSA.


[ April 16, 2005, 11:38 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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