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Crews and victory points

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Hi all

When playing Quick Battles (or any other battle for that matter but not an Operation), what's the best thing to do with crews when their vehicle/mortar etc has been knocked out? Is it better (regarding victory points only) to get them off the map or have them safely hidden somewhere?

Sorry if this has been done before


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Your opponent does score victory points against you for eliminated crews, although I've never been able to find out exactly how much.

Yes, this has been debated often in the past. Most folks seem to agree that hiding or exiting crews off the map is a pretty good idea. Anything that keeps them out of harms way.

However, a lot of other players will use crews for safe duties such as spotting or holding secured victory locations.

Finally, there are also some players who feel crews can continue to be used in the fighting. A way to draw enemy fire, spring ambushes, etc.

I'm not sure there's any "right or wrong" just a matter of personal preference. Personally, I tend to hide or exit my crews, although occasionally I will use them for spotting.

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A unit exited off the map - provided exit for points is not an option in a scenario - does not count for or against VP. It just disappears. VPs are gained only by;

- Inflicting casualties.

- Controlling flags at games end.

- Exiting units off map edges when this option is available.

- Preventing enemy units from exiting, provided these are conditioned to exit for points, either by killing them or simply hindering them until games end.

VPs are then summed up. A players share of the total amount of VPs is the percentage displayed at the end o the game.

Thus by exiting units, you simply reduce your opponents available potential VPs, by giving him less units to kill.

However, the exited troops do count against force morale (displayed as percentage on the interface), lowering it as if they had been killed. This is not normally an issue, as crews represent only a minute part of a force, but I guess it could matter in some setups.

Following extended debate on the subject of crew use and abuse, a patch - can't seem to recall which one, but it was an early one - drastically increased the VPs for crews (if they die, these VPs are counted against you in addition to the VPs already lost with the vehicle/gun, which is the VP count you can see in the roster).

Before that patch (which contained a lot of other fixes, so everyone needed it), players had been using crews as bipedal mine detectors, flag huggers and machinegun diversions. After it, neither myself nor anybody that I ever played ever did anything but exit the crews off the map at double speed. Speaking VPs, it simply isn't worth keeping them around. But I confess to using them as POW guards and other such tasks sometimes.



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