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Everything posted by todd

  1. since the very first computer related question was been asked the same answer has rung through the ages... "look in the manual" it pretty clearly states that only daisy chain mines can be spotted pre-detonation. todd
  2. for the operation if you don't have a crew you have little or no chance to recover the tank. i always find them a quiet spot somewhere ON MAP and let them ride out the battle. they are terrible fighters and to valuable to loose. todd
  3. many people have pointed out various flaws w/the machine guns in bo, many of which are fixed in b2b. historically the mg34 and 42 needed there barrels switched pretty often do to it remarkable high rate of fire which could be modeled as a JAM. also if some of your maching gun team are dead/wounded then the jam rate goes up. it sounds like you got unlucky but sometime the dices (or results generator) just abandon you. better luck next time. todd
  4. 3 litter letters that would mean so much to the allies.. FAC. todd
  5. could be worse yet. a 1/2track with a 75 or some other afv could be the culprit. it you don't have anyone else with a line of sight to the area it could be anything. don't count on the surviving crew spotting it. they are probably running the other way and terrible at seeing anything. not that i think it happend in your case but i have witnessed what appeard to be a art 155 round utterly core out (from the top down) a stugG. pretty funny.... from my point of view. todd
  6. the 150 should have a min range of more than the blast radious of the shell by a considerable amount. i suspect that less than 100meters its worthless. i'd use it to shell any cover that you can't currently occupy like buildings or the edge of a wooded area that would make a good stageing area for your enemy. todd
  7. the 150 should have a min range of more than the blast radious of the shell by a considerable amount. i suspect that less than 100meters its worthless. i'd use it to shell any cover that you can't currently occupy like buildings or the edge of a wooded area that would make a good stageing area for your enemy. todd
  8. personally i can take them or leave them, though never buy them and here's why. maching guns are just as good at forcing tanks to button up and are much better at suppressing inf squads and driving back (or killing) lightly armored afvs. if you want a small anti afv unit why goof around w/ a sniper which at best only puts a hit on a afv. sure the hit is nice but a one crew dead 105 sherman can still ruin day of lots of your guys. get youself a bazooka or a shrek. then the thing is dead not just wounded. i've tried to use snipers to pluck off a couple of men in an advancing squad, turns out he is a pretty piss-poor shot. about only anti-inf success i've had with is keeping mortor teams moving around so that they don't get set-up. even them he rarely scores a kill. while were on the subject what's with nonsense of having a sniper who only carries 8-12 rounds? for goodness sake the russian ATR teams of two usally carrry 30+ rounds of much larger ammo plus a much larger weapon and the bazookas carry nearly as many rounds as the snipers! i know snipers need to be stealthy but 3 or four clips of ammo doesn't make that much noise when stored correctly in the various pockets and such. i know, i know the ammo, is abstracted (i read the manual) but it still seems to be a pretty light load. also they seem to die very easily. and i think they should be two man teams (spotter and gunner) not the lone wolf they are now despite how they are depicted in the movies. they spot stuff a little better than others, not that they can do much about it, and most co's have binocs so i really don't see the point in them as they are now. my 2 1/2cents todd
  9. the tank dozer can and were used for clearing minefields along w/flails or rollers. not real handy for anything so far but in n africa they would certianly have purpose. todd
  10. tcp/ip. never had any problems in fact i've found it very easy to use. todd
  11. here is a couple of ruleset you can check out. battleground- by easy eight enterprises, now defunct but you can find rulesets on ebay, hobby shops and such. sort-of hollywood-esk through reasonable. battlefront miniatures (is not assoc. w/BFC) has a line of figures and a ruleset called "flames of war." the figures are great but i've never playtested the rules. "command decision" by old glory (i think) is really good. our group uses it for micro armor scale battles (that tend to be anything but micro in scale) though i know people use it for 15mm also. there will be a new rewrite/version (#4 for those keeping track) sometime in the not to distant future so keep and eye out for that. good luck, todd
  12. i'm in the states and got mine in just under 48 hours IIRC! todd
  13. i think a better question than why didn't the germans make a 50 cal is why didn't the allies make a better bazooka? we had pleanty of access to captured german fausts and shreks why didn't we impove the bazooka to at least keep pace?. todd
  14. contiued from above or " the two year old grabbed the mouse" anyhow, as i was rambling... b. while i certianly can appreciate the work people put into improving the models gameplay, at least for me is where its at. all i really want are the playtested scenarios. direct links (not goto www.someguyswebsite.com) to the public files would be fine too. i just don't have the time to sift through 100s of downloads on 10s of different pages. c. while i'm sure your team put in pleanty of work into the additions, they are all (as far as i can tell) available for free (minus time). please don't tell me that something can't be done that won't bankrupt BF. oh and while we're (or at least i am) on the subject what good would the mods be to anyone that didn't have the game? again nice modles w/crappy gameplay equals crappy game. still happy w/ the games. i don't hate anyone there or wish any ill will, just wish there was something that could be done, for both our sakes. todd
  15. IIRT KwazyDog as to the renumbering that's great. no idea what to renumber, where to move it to or what to change the numbers to but its great that it can be done. as for the potential size, and i don't think i'm alone on this.. 1. i've downloaded many demos that exceed the 100MB mark. but if it is an absolute no can do let me suggest the following work arounds that i have used in the past. a. offer a discount on the newer version for people who have bought the oridginal. if i could get the additions for $10-15 i would heavily consider it.
  16. i don't have a problem w/ bf repackaging and selling their game, more power to them. as a side note huzzza! for your shipping group. got my order in record time. however i don't have the time to download mod after mod, heck i barely have time to play. i would like BF to provide all the goodies from the new version in single download for the rest of us. BF won't loose a sale because even if they don't offer the single download i won't buy another copy of BO or B2B(when it's inevitable "upgrade" is released). come through for me on offering the upgrades as a download and you'll have a customer for years. don't and it's doubtful i'll buy AK. not a threat, just a word of warning. that said i'm completely satisfied w/the games and BF as a group. keep up the good work. todd
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