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Vs. the Allied AI it is in the script that Italy can possibly attack Greece.

It represents what occurred, Greece was close to a treaty with Germany but due to poor communications between Germany and Italy. Italy DoW on Greece. Hitler was not pleased.

So it can happen to the human Axis player vs. the Allied AI.

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A somewhat related question: There is a campaign event that says if the Allies DOW Greece then Turkey gets a push toward the Axis. I would think just the opposite. Didn't the Turks and Greeks hate each other? If so I would think the Allies DOW'ing Greece would please the Turks and be an incentive for them to consider joining the Allies.

Edit - I checked the scripts and it does look like the Turks lean toward the Allies if they DOW Greece so the manual must be out of date.

[ June 23, 2007, 03:11 AM: Message edited by: Elmo ]

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Originally posted by jackharry:

Thanks. I'm not too pleased either, I don't have Bulgaria or Hungary yet, and so obviously haven't taken Yugoslavia, so I can't get at Greece!

Yep, I've been there, you have to bid your time.

Although most of the time I have Yugoslavia already.

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If you attack Yugoslavia, does this have a very negative impact on USSR? I had assumed it would and so have never attacked Yugoslavia until either Barbarossa has started, or at least until I am ready for it to start. Is that not the case, is it ok to attack Yugoslavia earlier?

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Being a historical player I never wait for Barbarossa to attack Yugoslavia. I like to have Hungary but if the Italians go to war I march troops to assist them. Yugoslavia is just in the way of those troops so they are doomed.

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