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using russian ships to spot for britain while neutral

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I wasnt aware that the russians could go do this.As a matter of fact some guy i WAS playing also used them to trap my german ships & to spot for the allies when i tried to attack denmark & norway.It also looks like he is going to use them to help block my invasion of norway.To me this is cheating.I dont think those russian ships should be allowed to leave lenningrad,or atleast they should have to stay in their home waters(east of the baltic states)untill they are at war.

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Surely the only way he could do this is to slip past copenhagen after you have dowed it but before you conquer it. The simple way to avoid this is to do both in the same turn ;)

Reasonably careful positioning of the Kriegsmarine should prevent any blockading of your ports by the 2 russian vessels.

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