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All bombers were vulnerable to fighters - US heavy bombers were essentially swept from teh skies apart from short raids until teh P38 came along - it might have been the P51 that was the glamour plane, but it was the P38 that first allowed the bombers to raid deep into Germany on a regular basis without taking savage losses.

Tac air must include a significant number of fighter-bombers for most sides by teh end of the war - such aircraft as the FW-190G and F, Me-110G, P-40, Spitfires, hurricanes, typhoon & P-47 - all of which have more air-air capability that any bomber at all!!

Even the Sov's used significant numbers of single-engined fighters for tactical support, although probably not as many as the allies.

IMO mosquito's as a type are included in the strategic bombing units, since that is how they weer mainly used rather than in support of ground troops.

Interestingly I read somewhere that a Mosquito could deliver 2 x 4000lb bombloads to Berlin in the same time a Short Stirling could deliver 1 such bombload......

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Are aircraft and naval units still able to destroy ground units? I've said it before and I still believe that air or naval units should never be able to destroy the last factor of a ground unit. Could air or naval forces take out a company or shred a battalion or maybe even a regiment? Sure they could and did but never ever ever is there an example of either destroying a 30k + Corps much less a 100K + Army. How many times have German Armies been savaged in France from the sea and air? Sure let them knock the units down to 1 factor but it should be a requirement that ground units need to be destroyed by other ground units. It makes it much harder to deploy and break out of a bridgehead. Also it is historically accurate at least to the scale of this game.

I am looking forward to the new naval units. I trust that convoy lanes can now be hit by surface raiders? One last question, is the expansion going to be using the icons by Normal Dude? I've been anticipating them every since he gave the forum the sneak peak. smile.gif

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Yes they can.

I think CEAW does it better tho - air units mostly jsut reduce effectiveness.

Historically air units did actualy destroy a few armies, but they were already in retreat and in defiles such as mountain passes - the Bulgarians an Turks in 1918!!

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Baron if the unit was only down to a one 1 factor then there wouldnt be 100.00 troops left to shoot at.I know the fact that a combined naval air attack can start pounding an army at full power and wipe it out is probably wrong,remember if the unit in question is at5 or above in supply it can be built back at a lesser cost.Maybe that is supposed to represnt the the pounding the unit took while not being completely destroyed but destroyed down to an amount that cant be represented in this game hence the lower cost to replace it.What do you think?

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