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Axis and allies

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Titan, have you been playing SC against the computer or against other people?

I've played the demo of Axis and Allies and I would recommend instead the game it was based on, Kohan, which is also made by the same people. It works well as a fantasy battle game, which is what Kohan is, but not quite as well as a WWII game.

Or download the demo and make your own mind up!

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Axis and Allies was adequate for a multiplayer online amusement if you kept the AI out of the game.

The game was worse than useless against the AI though.

It's hardly a complicated game, and it was the game they invented so we could use the term beer and pretzels wargame.

Only an idiot will buy Axis and Allies RTS, so if you actually waste your money on it, no sympathy from me eh.

If you thought SC was too easy, you ain't improving your situation with Axis and Allies.

You could always download Third Reich PC for laughs though smile.gif

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