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Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg Pre-Orders Now Being Accepted

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This will be my last post. I had no intention of giving anyone a problem - just wanted to ask a simple question, politely and reasonably (or so I had hoped). If I've been mildly critical of some of the responses that have arisen as a result of my original posts, I can only say that my criticisms have been drawn out by those responses, it was not my original intention to voice them.

I'm genuinely sorry if this has caused offense, it was entirely counter to my intentions. As it appears that the community here is not receptive to my appraoch I will save everyone the trouble of having to deal with it.

Good luck with the launch of your product, I look foward very much (as I have done for so long) to playing SC2, but, as with SC1, from now on I'll keep my views entirely to myself. I do thank you for creating a game of imagination and invovation for those of us who truly enjoy strategy rather than the wild and frenetic shoot-em-ups that other developers seem to be exclusively wedded to - I'm sure SC2 will be a huge success.

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@LutraMage --- Dude, what? You're holding a pity party for yourself because somebody didn't tell you the exact moment SC-2 is going to ship? Seriously, how can we take you serious? You post a few times, demanding a date...what do you think we're all waiting for? Now, finally, the good news arrives & you want to cry? Cry me a river. Dude, there are a few guys here that are competitive, that's gaming! Honestly, I like (liked) your posts & demands, just don't cry if you don't fed your answers immeditately. If you want to leave, leave. If you want to stay, stay. If you want to cry, cry. You are what you want to make yourself. Pick your path. Get the game, play, meet some new people.

"Whatsoever a man thinketh, so that he is."

@Moon --- Bro, what symbols? We getting some cool stuff in the English version?

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This will be my last post. I had no intention of giving anyone a problem - just wanted to ask a simple question
What's the issue? You asked for a specific shipping date and did not get one, because no one knows exactly when. Even now, after Moon has essentially announced SC2 has gone Gold, I doubt if he or anyone at Battlefront can accurately prognosticate which day next week that the very first game will be shipped out.

Battlefront's original official announcement stated 4-6 weeks, which would make April 10 the end of the window. It looks like that original estimated target will be met. I don't see a problem. Why make a non-problem into a problem and then get upset about things?? You'll be playing SC2 soon enough.

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Hello LutraMage, I only now saw your post and original question, sorry. Some posts simply slip through the net, there is only so much I can dig through daily on the forums (besides a million of other daily tasks).

In short - the game is officially gold and in production. When we opened pre-orders we announced that the game will ship in 4-6 weeks. That was about 4 weeks ago, so we're roughly 2 weeks to go at the moment, and it looks like we're going to keep the schedule.


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You MUST have some jin Mojo, Man. :cool:

3 pretty heavy hitters address yer concerns,

Lickety split!

Celestial Body,

Black Knight of the Hudson, and!

Rack 'em Cat, from Idaho,


Don't see that sorta stuff

Much 'round these here parts.


I must be impressed, and

You GOT to make ONE more post, anyhow,

Let us (... me anyway, if nobody else

wishes to know) in on the meaning

Of one of the coolest nicks I've seen

On any forum.


Now that's old fashioned class.

Sounds... ancient, and as though

You'd spent the best part of yer boyhood

(... 'stead of merely playing baseball)

In a cave with some distant come Avatar,

Only on earth a VERY brief while. :cool:

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So, since my question on page one was ingored or unnoticed..

Will there be Digital Download?

Direct 2 Drive?? (same thing, its just the company)

edit: I will still buy the game tongue.gif

Just wanted to know if its possible. (I would pay extra for it too!)

[ April 03, 2006, 10:21 AM: Message edited by: MullinsR ]

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Originally posted by Moon:

Yes, there will be a digital delivery option. But not through Direct2Drive. Instead, we're going to open our own Battlefront digital delivery platform soon.


Will that be an option for those of us who have already preordered?
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