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Everything posted by LutraMage

  1. Congratulations Hubert, it looks truly awesome. SC2 was definitely the best, most playable (and re-playable) strategic WWII game I ever bought, with this expansion it looks like the best just got better. [ October 10, 2007, 02:46 PM: Message edited by: LutraMage ]
  2. This will be my last post. I had no intention of giving anyone a problem - just wanted to ask a simple question, politely and reasonably (or so I had hoped). If I've been mildly critical of some of the responses that have arisen as a result of my original posts, I can only say that my criticisms have been drawn out by those responses, it was not my original intention to voice them. I'm genuinely sorry if this has caused offense, it was entirely counter to my intentions. As it appears that the community here is not receptive to my appraoch I will save everyone the trouble of having to deal with it. Good luck with the launch of your product, I look foward very much (as I have done for so long) to playing SC2, but, as with SC1, from now on I'll keep my views entirely to myself. I do thank you for creating a game of imagination and invovation for those of us who truly enjoy strategy rather than the wild and frenetic shoot-em-ups that other developers seem to be exclusively wedded to - I'm sure SC2 will be a huge success.
  3. @ Sombra and JJR: Thank you, your comments are appreciated. Gee, I didn't want to cause a major problem. All I ever wanted was one of two things: either (a) an updated date when delivery was expected now that the time is very close or ( a simply response saying that BF did not want to publish an exact date for - whatever reason they had. As I stated before, my real irritation was at the failure of any response not at anything else. I thank HC for ending that drought.
  4. OK, first of all, thank you Hubert for having the courtesy to respond - my biggest irritation was the complete lack of any response whatsoever to a simple request for further information make on several threads (by me and others). I am genuinely grateful that you took the time to say something, although I do wonder why the developer had to do this when I would have expected BF's other representatives to take that pressure off him. Fair enough, perhaps the statement was just a little too extreme. What I intended to say was that I can't remember ever having paid for a product before where the suppliers weren't even able to say when you could expect to receive delivery within a very short window of time. 4-6 weeks is very vague and, as we approach the end of that period it seems reasonable that BF would now have better information. Having made no comment at all and (you have to admit HC) with a history of inaccuracy over even vague deadlines in the past, it does leave people frustrated. I really want this game, I've been happy (well, mostly ) to wait beyond the original deadlines and I would wait another year for it, I would just have preferred to know when the waiting was anticipated to be over. To coin a phrase "I guess I will know when I know"! [ March 24, 2006, 05:31 AM: Message edited by: LutraMage ]
  5. I don't get this Moon - why does the fact that BF is not going to "push out a product out the door just for the sake of meeting some date" mean that BF is incapable of providing a date at all? You've been telling us for two years that the delays are to ensure the product is perfect out of the box (and we love that) but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be able to plan and stick to a deadline you set yourselves - that's just being professional and I thought BF was setting out its stall to be better than other developers, not just less efficient? Besides, I hope you guys know the risk you're taking building up the expectations of no 'patch' needs on this product. Given the delays and the explanation that this is to ensure it works out of the box I sure hope for BF's sake that you can really deliver on that - and let me be clear, I don't doubt that you can and will deliver (the snippets we've seen look awesome) I just think your approach is providing a big hostage to fortune out there.
  6. JAW - It's not a question of not being able to wait, it's simply a reasonable desire to know how long we should expect to wait. I can't remember ever having paid for a product before where the suppliers weren't even able to say when you could expect to receive delivery. pzgndr no BS, I think I've agreed with practically every post you've placed on this board - sensible, reasonable and generally informative - but the "it'll be here when it's here" line is getting a little thin...we're not children waiting for Christmas, we're customers waiting for a product we've already paid for. JJR no BS, I think I've been dismayed by practically everything you've posted, but for once you're spot on - if you could only leave the flaming out of your posts we'd be better able to benefit from the good stuff that's buried in most of your responses. Just MO
  7. GM The answer to your question is that no one will say anything about a date either for the Demo or the actual product release. Whilst BF is clearly in a league of its own when it comes to software development, innovation and customer communication on its games (the contributions on this site from the developer, playtesters and BF Reps has been excellent), it pretty much sucks when it comes to meeting its own delivery targets and customer communication on distribution of those games. Sad, but true.
  8. If you're so fond of using English, then try using it properly - there is no such thing as a World Cup of "Soccer", it is the Football World Cup. Soccer is only used in the US to distinguish the Beautiful Game from some unknown local game which for all practical purposes is only played in the States - the rest of the World plays the true football. You see, English is a tricky business.
  9. Not even a "No, sorry, we have no idea"? I see the paying customer is King......not.
  10. Thanks Retributar, I'd picked up on the 'end of March-beginning of April' vibe, but I'm guessing BF must have an actual planned shipping date, so come on guys, let's hear it - please.
  11. I like both the new 3D and 2D icons - and I'm guessing each of us will work out our own preference. I do like the notion of having silhouettes of the vehicles, ships and infantry on the 2D icons, however, it seems a little premature to be completely changing the design of them until we've at least had a chance to see how easy/difficult the default icons are to work with in an actual game rather than basing our decision on screen shots. Still, each to their own.
  12. Okay, now you've got our money and we're all paid up and waiting - why hasn't there been an announcement as to shipping dates? Or have I missed something? I don't mind waiting (after all we'll all fairly used to that by now) but I would like to know how long I should expect to be waiting now that cash has been exchanged. As a customer, this doesn't seem an unreasonable request.
  13. Well, have owned SC1 for two years. Have been registered on this site for just over a year and have watched the various debates and discussions like a hawk on a regular basis. Relocated from one continent to another, and still watched and waited. Finally relieved to see the game go 'Pre-Order'. Have paid and bought my ticket. It's been a long wait. I've witnessed countless posts that have exasperated me and nearly tempted me to respond, but in the end HC has come up trumps and all the patient waiting has been worth it - at least, I hope it has.... [ March 01, 2006, 08:14 PM: Message edited by: LutraMage ]
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