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Hey what happened with SC1 land explotation moves?

Advanced SC strategy permited to advance troops farther away by killing troops avoiding that way the penalty when moving between 2 enemy troops. This is not working in SC2 or thats what i saw in France. How&when does the program calculate moves in the turn?

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Sombra, calling:

... better to disband your troops before Germany caputures Paris?

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Dragonheart, responding:

Well with just 20 % chance to survive this might be even better then shipping to uk....and to reduce german plunder by 700 is like destroying 3 armies.....odd thing in any case ROFL

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Well who is talking about last minute disbanding?

It´s obvious not me,

But better then sending a scraping would make sense to me.

Maybe not early maybe not in the last minute

but in the middle lies the truth of the riddle.

I seltdom read the manual,

and often it confuses me,

better testing on myself

as the manuals riddles,

remain unrevealed so often.

Often you get a hint,

but nobody will know for sure

the meaning of the words

until somebody will enlighten you.


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Sombra and Dragonheart!

Ex Vaudeville team

X-tra Ordinaire!

Taken 'em gig show on the road,

All youse house Cats!

Get in ahead of the laggard,

Get yer kick tickets NOW!

Else you'll be standing in the rafters,

It's gonna be,

Kai Yai, Yippee... SRO!

LOL, ah,

You young guns sure enuff can show

Us Old Slingers

A trick,

A whip-snap,

A rap-a-tap - tap!

Thing or two.

Way to go, real X-treme Dudes! :cool:

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