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A few questions related to FAQ

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1.Diplomacy- Is there any investing limit per country for diplomatic points?

2.Diplomacy- Can I invest diplomatic points in currently neutral major powers (USSR, US)?

3.Intercept duties- Can I give order to my Air Fleets to intercept enemy attacks on my one specific unit?

Example for better understanding: I want to protect unit in Bonn with all available Air Fleets. In SC1 my opponent with a few his Air Fleets could have attacked some my other unit just to attract my interceptions and then he could have attacked Bonn. I would like to avoid that in SC2.

4.When is release date? tongue.gif

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1. Yes, there are limits that can be defined in the Editor for how many chits a major country can have. Set the limit high and you can expect a free-for-all diplomatic game. Set reasonable limits and players would have to be more selective in where they place their chits.

2. Yes, including future allies to speed up their entry.

3. Yes, all air units should have a menu option to toggle intercepts and/or escort duty on and off. If you read through the new FAQ, you'll notice blue and yellow highlights for air unit ranges so you can make quick decisions. :cool:

4. Yes. tongue.gif

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Thx for answers. For my first question I have additional questions. As I understood major power will have total number of diplomatic points so:

1.This total number will be fixed or it will change relating to events and situation on the map?

2.Are there any limitations to DP which major units can invest in ONE minor or major neutral country?

P.S. All my questions are for original scenarios. Editor is not my primary love.


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OK, round 2.

1. Yes, the way it's set up is each major can have a max number of chits. Now I'm assuming this means max in play at any given time, that chits will be become available again once diplomacy runs its course and a target country activates one way or another, and perhaps players can reclaim chits if they want to. This is still under development so it's hard to say exactly.

And as for the event scripts, they really do not have the ability to "change" other aspects of the campaign file. An event could add a unit for example, but can't change force pool limits. And while there are not any diplomacy events per se, there are political events and activation events that can be used to affect the diplomatic situation based on game events. Recall in SC1 how Allied abandonment of Med positions results in increased Italian war readiness. Similar events and more can happen in SC2.

2. No limits for what can go into any one country, other than the limit of how many chits you can have. These chits are not cheap, mind you, so you'll have a tough decision whether to buy units, research or diplomacy. It will be interesting to see what players actually do with this new option. :cool:

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Edwin, nothing is decided yet. The cost is likely to be comparable to research, about 100-250 depending on whether the chit is for a major or minor country and whether that country is friendly or not. And like research, different major countries could have different costs. So there's likely to be quite a variety of options available. Should diplomacy be cheap, and not limited? Personally I don't think so, else it becomes too easy to make the "historical" game unrecognizable. Then again, others could use the Editor to make such a game.

As for Intelligence, I expect fog of war will keep all diplomacy efforts hidden. There could be some modifier to diplomacy chances based on Intel. We'll have to see.

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pzgndr, thanks for the information on diplomacy, it is much appreciated.

Although fog of war will keep diplomacy efforts hidden during the game, at the conclusion of the game will there be a screen that shows you how much you and your opponent invested in diplomacy?

Say a simple post victory stats screen by major power that summarizes spending on:

Diplomacy MPPs, Research MPPs, Naval MPPs, Land MPPs, Air MPPs, and HQ MPPs.

[ November 07, 2004, 02:58 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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