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Buy Battlefront products with Bush's $600+ gifts :)

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Those Vets have options or had them. If they could handle walking around cripple or mentally unstable..

The US Government gives an average Cripple Vet about 800-900 bucks if he made a medium low rank. Hehhehehe, so your 600 tax return is about equal to his monthly income. Considering an apartment cost 500 for a box, 250 with utilities, our vets would rather get drunk than starve I think they're not happy... Of course you can live with another one... It could be worse, it could be North Korea or Russia. Those places, Pensions? Only if you sell your children

Regardless, we will not stop buying Color TVs and Russians will not stop selling their children. And Americans for the time being will continue to gip of poor people and cater to those who make between 45k-120k so they stay nice as they're the #1 voter polls while the rest under that are on Crack and don't care about the countries problems collecting SSI or Welfare. The ones richer are drawing the policies tongue.gif

its a dog eat dog world

Guess I should do what every other dishonest American did at one time, become a thief it pays, then go legit... without an education you mine as well... that or join the army, sit are your arse and drink every weekend and sleep with pretty damsels who like men in Uniform :D

What Happened to America? Oh, I want a FlatScreen LCD Panel, .18 dotpitch Super TV

and HiDef input Surround Sound Dolby SuperSystem

That's what happened

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Personally, I picked up a 47" Vizio at Costco, good bang for the buck. I don't feel it's a sin to watch a little high def.

Far as people of the world being a bunch of money lovers...well the love of money is the root of all evil, so you're on to something there.

On the otherhand, there are still lots of "good" people, they just don't get in the headlines on CNN.com

Do yourself a favor, go fellowship with some Christian groups. Bible studies is a good place to start....eat a cookie, drink a coffee, etc. The cares of this world is a heavy burden, go with the easier crowd.

Far as getting out of poverty or being broke, this equation is simple hard work. Get rid of all expenses, and work 2 jobs. I've done this several times. You're so busy working, you don't have time to spend money. You can only do it so long before burnout or lack of social activites...but for 6 months, you'd be surprised how much dough you can rack up...or just play computer games, that a cheap habit.

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Just got back from Rambo. Great movie, a total shooting gallery! About time we got to the reality of the evil in this world. Could have used some one-liners, a little bit more build-up or drama. You catch that little "It's a Long Road", song. Loved the flashback scene.

For all you bleeding hearts, well, there are lots of bleeding hearts in this flick. Not for the faint.

I'm glad Johnny finally got to go home. I'm already for the next Rambo flick!

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Same here Rambo

Greatest Rambo movie ever!

Certainly the most bang for your buck, err $10.50 in Toronto.

I see they left the door open wide open for yet another sequil. After all, they only blew up a tallboy bomb. Next time they can go for the Mother of all Bombs, the GrandSlam (22,000LBS!!!)

That'll come in at almost, let see... $1/Ton




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Yep Rambo is right,

America is the one country where you can make money still if you work hard at it and have nothing. That I know of, though I hear Europe and East Asia are coming along

Mostly though without a little to start with you will be better off in the USA/Canada.......

Americans are more oriented toward Violence. You watch even a Canadian film you're more likely to see rape, incest, freaky S&M stuff. Though in an American film you will see 5000 body counts. And it's acceptable PG13

Weird the Ole West Culture hasn't died in the USA it's still present

[ January 26, 2008, 10:35 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]

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"For Rambo V, the rumor is that Stallone wants to use an alternative script he wrote for Rambo IV, which involves Rambo’s daughter being kidnapped by cult leaders."

Found that on one of those cinema rumour sites but I guess alot will depend on how well this movie does.....

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