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conquering minor states to stop the war in USSR ?

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An single commonwealth corps wondering in to Iran. Can coarse an massive shift on the Russian front stopping the Germans in there tracks this is not just silly it is ridiculous!

Is there any one who really thinks that Iran's surrender would have sent a tremor through the German Armed forces coursing a massive 15%+ drop in moral? Or that the Red army Would have counterattacked with a 15%+ boost in the knowledge that they where now safe from a Persian


Even the theory that the fall of Denmark or the low country's had this effect seems to make no sense to me it was the tanks in France that did in the French moral. I am willing to admit that the fall of France nearly coursed Britain to sue for peace. The effect on the British Armed forces however was if any thing positive. And the loss of equipment in France is taken care of in the game by combat losses.

So why? Why? do we have this rule ,and more importantly why cant we get rid of it in the editor ?

My opponent and I have now stopped playing this game as we see no way to get round this Fault and don't wish to spend our gaming time managing the invasions of tiny country's when it should be spent in fighting in the big ones.

Can any one help us with this? as we would really like to fight the war in Russia

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You can't do anything about it. The capturing of a minor country boosts your morale by a certain % and drops the enemy's one as well. Good thing is, this effect lasts 2-3 turns. Bad thing is (as the dev said, it will be corrected in the next patch) if you capture several minors during the same turn (or 1-2 turn difference) the morale skyrockets sometimes to values as high as 450 or even 550 (depending on the number of countries captured), making the attacking troops impervious to damage for several turns.

In your case, my opinion is to continue the game - that 15% is by all means no game breaker and it will wear off pretty soon. If you want to avoid this morale stuff, agree with your opponent to DOW and capture 1 minor per 3 turns or something.

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This moral effect is way too powerfull.

I understand it's a part of the gameplay and it make sense with the fall of poland, then France.

But in 42, fighting for their survival, do you really think russians care if Tunisia surrender? :/

More important, players pre-DOW a minor just to avoid the moral loss/gain! It's clearly a flaw in the game when you declare war against a country to keep your country's moral... The MPP income you give to your opponent is nothing if you compare with the moral effect...

"We are at war, things are bad. Let's declare war on Swiss!" ;)

A solution may be to add a fixed ammount of this moral effects, depending on the country. Poland and France should have a huge moral effect (like it were during the WW2) and neutrals should have a reduced but logical moral effect.

My 2 cents...

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I believe Hubert has already acknowledged that the morale boost issues and maximum morale exploits are something that they are trying to address in patch 1.05. And that patch should be out any day, so at least your hiatus from playing won't be too long...

And don't think that Hubert doesn't read every post, especially those that bring up issues and provide feedback or suggestions on solutions. He may not reply, but he's proved he listens and makes the tweeks necessary to keep this game going.

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I have spent many hours playing this game and many hours with the editor making changes to the campaign. Half cost for unit production , + 1 on nearly all defensive terrain and lots of plus on tactical air against ships to name a a few. That is one of the best features of SC2 if you don't like it and you agree with your opponent you can just change it in the editor. Maybe bringing the level of forces up to a more historical level or making attacking harder is not compatible with this moral rule.

What i really need is some way to switch it off in the editor.

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