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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Greetings from the outside world

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I know this will rattle at least one chain, but it has to be said.

Mr Cater, your game is well liked by a great deal more than the membership of the Battlefront forum community.

SC is routinely placed at the head of the line by me, in as many places as I find myself.

I have made it abundantly clear, that your game's interface is the way it should be done. And I have said it often and repeatedly in places like Matrix Games forums, Wargamer, Warfare HQ, my own forums and every other location I find myself.

When people say what they say about your game, they are not just saying it here.

I just want you to know that, and know, that the sum total of opinion of your game, is not limited to just here at Battlefront.

While Battlefront is the logical place to discuss your game, not all choose to limit themselves to supporting it here.

Many have said that your game "merely looks like (insert older name game here)". But I have seen all those other games. And yours did it better.

I look forward to your SC2 and you can bet it will be trotted out as the game to beat for a good number of other competing designs out there in the world of wargaming.

I'll be waiting for it's completion, regardless of expected estimated date of arrival.

And I don't require it to do everything up to and including cure world hunger and solve the unified field theory smile.gif

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Enough of the aloof outsider garbage, if you are in such contempt of the SC posters then you should pack your bags, again, and go with your buddies at those wonderous websites where you're a famous wargame God.

As for SC in comparrison to CoS and High Command and AH's lousy DOS Third Reich and several other games on WWII in Europe, we, the real posters of the SC community, have examined all of them, in depth many times.

The thing is, you weren't here when we did so, you were off fanning your limitless ego elsewhere.

We discussed real game aspects, such as the CoS approach to naval tactics as opposed to the SC system, and also it's combined assault feature, as opposed to Huber's system. We discussed it's similarities, such as involuntary air interdiction, which few of us like.

We discussed stacking as in HiCom, the map differences and which of the games had the best AI and why -- and we discussed it as a group in long, detailed threads.

None of us waddled in like the final authority and made pontifical statements.

You could have been somebody here, but instead, all of your posts are egocentric indulgences with ridiculous nose thumbing at the other people here.

Curry hit it on the head when he said all of your posts are only about Les.

This forum is a real community and if you aren't a part of it the reason isn't that you've been shut out, it's that you've removed yourself and you're far from looking at it from above, you can't possibly meet it's standards.

So enough of the fake ego trip. Okay, wonderful, you're a famous wargamer. Big deal.

If you want to be a part of the place start acting like you're a part of the place. Sucking up to Hubert and the admins at every turn is not doing it.

You talk a lot but say almost nothing -- least of all about the game.

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Other real game issues we discussed included production schedules and oil as a resource affecting transportation, diplomacy in a player controlled mode, neutrals that were biased toward one side or the other, with unequal divisions of their resources to the warring nations even while still neutral ...

As I said, we discussed all of these things, and as a group, not as pontificating individuals, and you chose not to be there while we were doing it.

So get off your high horse, you've done nothing to earn it except to tell us how great and famous you are and we're all red with jealosy.

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Many thanks and Sincere wishes to you and your family for a Happy and Great Christmas and New Year's in Northern JerseyLand! smile.gif

And Yes, of course even to Les, I'm sure he's a great husband and father. I just wish he'd stop with the condescending egocentric remarks, that's all. smile.gif

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I have to agree with JerseyJohn. The only purpose of Les post here is to piss people off.

Who the hell are you trying to convince Les?

People supported SC for years here, when you were somewhere else we had all the discussions.

You retired 3 times because you thought that the board wouldnt do anything for you.

you said;

"I'll be waiting for it's completion, regardless of expected estimated date of arrival.

And I don't require it to do everything up to and including cure world hunger and solve the unified field theory"

Big deal. Waiting is what we have to do anyway. Thing is you chose to do it silently while all the others want to help out. Now you try to look as a devoted fan and it makes me sick.

So don't come here and insult the regular community which been around while you were talking about steel panthers over at Matrix.

If you continue this I will have to start writing the moderators about it.

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