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Honch MOD - Its back!

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I have decided to update my HONCH MOD for WAW even though it may be some time before I get the proper scale map I would like. ;) Many of the features I had in my original MOD look as though they have become normal features of WAW . ;) I need to ask those who played the previous MOD as to which features I should add again:

I have already finished the map with all of the extra cities, towns and ports as well as adding the Netherlands and Trans-Jordan as separate countries. I will also reduce all resource bitmaps by 50% to unclutter the map. I have also changed the starting OOB to be more historical.

I will consider adding the following based on feedback:


1. Creation of Croatia and Kingdom of Montenegro upon conquest of Yugoslavia.

2. German and Italian territorial annexations in France after fall of France.

3. French, Dutch, Baltic, Ukrainian and Croatian SS units.

4. Spanish Blue units.

5. British Home Guard.

6. Volkstrum/Volksgrenadiers. (German Home Guard)

7. Axis oil shortage supply penalties.

8. Activation of De Gaulle and Free French units. (I think that there are already some scripts for this)

9. Free Polish, Dutch and Greek units.

10. Axis surface raiders in the Atlantic.


Change rockets to Atomic Bomb and allow for development of the bomb. (Very expensive and time consuming for all but the USA)

Change special forces to marines.

Change partisans to militia. (This will still allow USSR partisan units to appear but will also represent low level garrison troops)

Let me know!

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Version 1 of my WAW MOD will be on cmmods sometime tonight. Some of the changes include:


Added Birmingham ©, changed Cardiff (p)to Bristol-Cardiff (t+p), added Glasgow (t), changed Hull (p) to Newcastle-Hull (t+p), added Portsmouth-Southampton (t+p), changed Cyprus to UK control and added Famagusta (p), added Gort (hq), added second fighter (raf), adjusted naval OOB, changed mountains in Wales to hills.


Added Cologne-Dusseldorf (t), added Stuttgart (t), added Leipzig-Dresden (t), changed Stettin (p) to Stettin-Rostock (t+p), added Magdeburg (t), added Nuremburg (t), added more forest to the "Black Forest", added Leeb (hq).


Added Krasnodar, Perm, Lvov, Novgorod, Kalinin (t), added Tbilisi ©, added Batum (p), adjusted naval OOB.


Added Naples (c+p), added Rhodes (p), added tac fighter, Graziani (hq) and tank group to Tobruk.


Added Albany (t), added Philadelphia ©, adjusted naval starting OOB.


Added Toronto and Montreal ©, added Quebec (t), added a mine.


Added Port Said (p), added Giza (t).


Added fighter, hq and destroyer, added Salonika (t), added fort (Metaxis line).


Added Izmir (fort+p), added cruiser.


Added Danzig (c+p), added Poznan and Lodz (t).


Added Malmo (t+p)


Added the country, added army, cruiser and fighter, added Amsterdam© and Rotterdam (p).


Added Luxembourg (t), added destroyer and fighter.


Added Zurich (t).


Added Mosul, Kirkuk and Kuwait (t), added Basra (oil).

Saudi Arabia:

Added Jidda-Mecca (t).


Added Zagreb and Montenegro (t), added Split (p), added corps, fighter and destroyer.


Added Constanja (p), added cruiser.


Added Varna (p), added fighter and destroyer.


Added Nice, Lyons, St.Nazaire and Tours (t), added Nantes, Cherbourg and Calais (p), adjusted naval OOB.


Added Cadiz, Grenada (t), added Valencia (t+p).


Added Marakesh (t).


Added Turku (t+p), added destroyer and fighter.


Added country, added Jerusalem (t), added Haifa (p), added corps.


Added Damascus ©.

Version 2 will include scripts for creation of Croatia, annexations by Italy and Germany, Axis surface raiders, Axis oil shortages, Spanish Blue Units, SS Militias, UK Home Guard, German Volkstrum and Volksgrenadiers.

Version 3 will include the East African Theatre and reduced size resource bitmaps to unclutter the map as well as change of Rockets to Atomic Bomb.

Any other ideas?

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Adding in Armour expolitation like in Third Reich

I dont know if it would fit into this games.

For fun making it possible to set the industrial and production figures to actual historical settings and see how long the Axis can hang for.

What effect will the Atom bomb have on the target its dropped on?

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Version 1 is up on cmmods.

For the Atom Bomb the best way to simulate it is to simply make it a unit that everyone can purchase at level 0. The MPPs required and production delay make it not an option for most countries except the USA unless they seriously hamper their war effort. All of the attack values are maxed to ten. Therefore, it should destroy ANY unit its dropped on or wipe out any resource. There is no way to make the resource disappear permanently though.

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