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AAR Bio vs Iron on Thrawn 39 Campain

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Late november

Allies get weird diplomatic hit on Lestonia. The second time a hit is scored on a country that is no longer there; it is not even into the diplomatic window, and UK has not invested any chit on any ressembling country.

It looks like Russia got those hits but this major is not even in the war yet. Weird!

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That unit landed and attacked a CA in port for 2 turns then was destroyed in Oct 1940 (edited my post to show this). Since it was not near eather of the two triggers (citys) thier was no.. percived effect on USA or USSR. The high level of thier readyness is due to UK spending alot... all? of her MMPs on these countrys.

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As of now, 4 diplo hits by allies (2 on Russia, 2 on USA) and 4 by axis (2 on Bulgaria, 2 on Romania).

December 1940, England hoping for an ever lasting winter! High command is thinking a very pissed Hitler tired of seeing Churchill slowly building very powerful friends is soon going to knock on 10 Downing street.

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Dec 29 1940

Med: No Christmass dinner for the Italians; they march deap into Egypt and attack a Australian Corps (L2 exp) for heavy damage. Nine units can now be spoted by UK minor troops.

Alantic: German Sub raiding on supplys heading for UK.

East: Quiet (and very cold)

West: Quiet

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January 26 1941

Med: A boiling pot of combat rage's in the desert of Egypt. A full Itlian army group destroys an Aussy Corps but spots several other units hiding behind the Nile. A raiding team captures the port of Haifa while a CA bombards the Indian Corps 'traped' in a fortress on the El Alamein ridge (0 def damage 2 att damage).

East: Very cold

West: Quiet

Alantic: raiding by GR subs on oil from Middle East.

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Feb 23 1941

Med: USSR reacts to Itlian units outside of Axlandrea. Two full army groups of ground and air units are now in Egypt fighting the flys more then the UK minor units hiding behind the Nile.

East: Romainian units are seen moving to the border of USSR.. what else is happening?

West: Quiet

Alantic: Raiding by GR subs on anything moving to the UK ..... a war zone is declared around the island and any that enter it is fired at... Lets see what the USA does about this.

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March 23 1941

Med: USA is not happy with the combat situation in Egypt, sends a strong protest to Germany about the situation. In the sands two more UK minor corps are taken down, Italy shows off her new IW3 guns.

East: The skys clear, several USSR units note the troop movements near thier border and pull out.

Alantic: More raiding by german subs.. over 100MPPs sunk last week

West: Quiet but sunny.

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April 6 1941

Med: Fast combat units rush in and take the suez cannel from the UK. Soon after ships BBs and CAs rush through and bomb the port to the point no more oil will be shiped. A Itlian raider lands near the egyptian oil fields and marchs S to them. A german Korps marchs from Halfa to Damascass and takes the city without a fight. Its looking like the end is near for UK rule in the Middle east.

Alantic: Sub raiding stops with the clear weather on the high seas

East: USSR notes HUGE troop movements on her border and informs the Red Army its time to bleed for the Morther land.

USA 65% or so

USSR 75% or so

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April 26 1941

East: WAR!!!! Germany invades russia after scouting the border and finds no troops near.. but the weather is mud and we dont make much porgress. Odessia is taken as is the fort of Bresst.

West: Quietn (French Partisans destroy the mine)

Med: Italy starts bombing the Egyptian capital but pulls most troops back for R&R.

Alantic: Raiding on the supply coming in from the USA to UK.

[ February 24, 2007, 06:10 AM: Message edited by: Iron Ranger ]

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May 4th 1941

Med: Attacks by two damaged army groups is too much for the Indian corps... Egypt surrenders to Italy. Iraq see's the light and they overthrow thier UK overlords (80% axis). Greeks do not like what is happening and will not bow to German.. so Para units (five total) are sent to Athiens to capture the goverment. Sadly the troops in the MTs do not give up this week but thier situation is hopeless.

East: The mines of Ukraine are taken and Vilnius is captured without a fight. In fact few Red Army units are spoted anywhere. Intel says that not too far to the east of the mine a huge fortress complex has been constructed.

Alantic: CAs of UK find a sub near the coast of spain and try to sink it.

West: Quiet

[ February 24, 2007, 12:02 AM: Message edited by: Iron Ranger ]

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May 11th 1941

Russia is preparing scorched earth strategy while trying not to let Iraqis join the German cause (one diplo hit!).

Greeks go as close as possible to the HQ, hoping they won't surrender without at least giving a last fight.

UK royal air force destroys 1 italian army and one italian tank in garrison of French coastal cities.

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June 1st 1941

Iron Ranger is starting its long methodical taking or Russia. Encircling, the next turn move many units right beside the encircled city and hit it with artillery and airplanes and finally take it the following turn at very very low damage taken from the attacker.

Minor taking by axis has stopped... until USA joins later!

Axis sub near Spain sunk

Axis corps transported in the med damaged by Greece cruiser.

Greece still holds!

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June 1st 1941

East: Minsk taken with little damage after isolating it, troops continue to push deap into russia with little problem. Huge fortress complex in the south however has not been scouted.

Med: Greeks fight on damn it....!!!

West: After striping the defence's of France and Germany for the attack on Russia new units are sent in to defence the Fatherland from UK raids and or air attacks.

Alantic: One sub sunk after transport seachs and find it. More raiding on Canadian shipments, looks like USA has cut off the supply

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July 6th 1941

Greece finally surrendered.

Odessa with lots of fortifications still held by Russians. No Germans yet near the heavy fortifications around Moscow.

Out of supply German corps spotted near Leningrad, probably to see if any city is left empty and to encircle Russian cities.

German aircrafts are spotted at level 4 in France. Royal Air Force gets further away form the Luftwaffe.

5 axis subs are spotted North of England. Royal Navy rushes toward them but is greeted by lots of German CAs and BBs at supply 0 that target and sink three England aircraft carriers, probably to keep an edge with navy spotting with its subs at 2 tiles spotting. But Royal Navy does not despair and tries to take advantage of its supply advantage (2 subs and 1 CA lost by Germany, and many other ships damaged).

USA over 90% readiness!

Allies raid Iraq's convoy toward Germany.

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This game is over for the axis, will continue but the supply situation in Russia is horid and my lack of understanding of a few changes hurt. NP overall.. but USSR is ajoke. Basicly your always at or near 0 supply and one partisan can wipe out several citys of supply if you get some. With the huge map its just not realistic to cover all the marsh and forest hex unless you do a study on which ones need to be covered.

A few suggestions for the mod: In no way can this be complete as I have not played it enough or both sides

1) Remove spoting 2 from subs

2) Rethink the spoting and strike range of air fleets with 0 LR.. its huge right now

3) Rethink para units droping 8 hexs... seams abit much. Then again 6 is not enough.. 7?

4) Rockets with full tech can not hit London. Need more base range on them

5) I have not counted but UK seams to have too many CVs

6) 1 chit in tech is good idea, but due to the incressed number of turns your going to get hits more offen. Decress the % chance for a hit? Its mid 41 and Germany has max most of her necessary tech one year ago. Drop the MPPs allow by 1/2 as well.

7) We had several Diplo hits on countrys that are gone, bug?

8) Supply in USSR is so bad you dont have any. Between the partisans (over powered in SC remember), schored earth and the HUGE distances you dont have low supply... you have NO supply. I think the solution here without a complete rebuild would be to turn off the Schored earth option

9) Several hex on the map need to be reworked. NP, happens. One is the port for Athens Greece... you cant unload in the city. Others like this one

10) The movement cost for MTs is nice. But it turns them into unbreakable fortress's. A dual row of MTs basicly is unbeatable.

10) Remove the Iraq convoy for axis.. no way they would have gotten oil tankers past South Africa. Eather make it a Med convoy (Halfia port?) or a land route if Turkey is pro axis or controled by the axis

11) Air Fleets are crazy overpowered... they rule the game here. 2 SA and TA is just too much when you include the easy xp they will gain over time (if used smart). ( Below I'm wrong!!!!)I DO like the +1 AD they recive. (I'm wrong - more latter!!!!)

[ March 05, 2007, 06:32 AM: Message edited by: Iron Ranger ]

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I'm quite glad I can put some despair into this worthy ennemy! ;)

For the partisan issue, these towns will never generate partisans: Tallin, Riga, Vilnius, Kalinin, Stalingrad (weird for Stalingrad)

These are the only 7 seven tiles that will generate partisans outside cities:

183,33 and 187,30 (Marsh between Minsk and Kiev)

197,27 (Forest South of Smolensko)

182,21 (Forest South-West of Leningrad)

188,20 (Forest South of Leningrad)

178,5 (Forest South of Murmansk) too bad supply for you I guess to go there!

191,10 (Forest South of Archangel) too bad supply for you I guess to go there!

More then that, axis in this scenario has something like 40 minors units perfect for garrison duty.

-I agree with the spotting of subs that should be of one.

-Spotting of aircrafts right now is 6, I think it's fair on that scale.

-Paras strike range of 7 is a good idea!

For the UK CVs, most were supply 3-5. They are much needed to counter Axis subs and are sunk so very easily as you clearly demonstrated.

-Too bad we can't change the base% of a tech chit, lower maximum research is a good idea (900?).

For Supply in Russia, it's a huge dilemma on that scale. Germans needs to be disadvantaged over Russians regarding supply! You can have supply of 8 though for Germany in Russia. You need to count tiles, not progress too fast and know how to prevent partisans from appearing. So, maximum level %efficiency of cities needs to be 5! My guess is that more cities, with less space separating them is a good solution?

Mountains are nearly impassable with the actual movement costs. But that is supposed to be the case in Real life. To represent this in SC2 with the scale used here, maybe a new tile can be designed with an appearance of a valley? Movement cost on it would be 1 or 2, it would keep a high defense value, still look nice on the map and allow strategic movements like between Italy and France?

-Can you lower the amount of experience a units gathers with the editor? Airplanes need be fixed!

-The tile of the city of Baku is called Stalingrad, need be fixed.

-3 German Subs scripts if Norway is Axis are fixed to happen in 1950...

-One city and a mountain tile in the Urals remain clear weather during winter even if the whole Russia is frozen.

-Russian transfers got to a city that was supply 0 , transferred to Stalingrad.

-Stalingrad not generating partisans needs be fixed.

-The Russian fortification near Germany's border is not destroyed when captured.

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On a side note Germany also get a mountain hex in Greenland when Denmark surrenders :D .

Regarding German supply in Russia I think its ok as is you just need to be very careful in your advance. If you play your cards right in the current version of this mod, id dare say you cant fail as the Axis. But I agree with fighters being overpowered since they gather experience too quickly. Also I dont like my UK fighter surrendering in Iceland when Denmark surrenders!!! :=(

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little update, august 1941

Royal Navy sinks 3 German BB, 4 CA and 4 sub in total. My guees is that the German navy won't go anymore as close to the UK as it did!

Germans subs start raiding USSR convoy; safer from RN and closer to Norway.

UK conquers Ireland with 4 air attacks, trying to help a little the Russian's morale.

Axis get diplo hits on both Spain and Sweden, both around 60%...

Italians mess up and fail to take Tunisia in one turn, even with 2 level 3 armies, which are now at supply 0 and the Tunisian corps constantly reinforced by US money.

Iraq joined Axis after Dow of Syria, threathened by 6 Italian corps.

Russian boats spot a Romanian amphib corps in the Black Sea close to the turkish shores. Is Iron Ranger planning to take Turkey in one turn with his 3 paratroopers?

A lone Russian corps gets back the 2 Russian mines near Romania but is soon killed the next turn by a huge German army with some level 3 tanks that was hiding out of sight and is now closing on heavily fortified Kharkov. Perhaps a combined huge land assault on this heavily fortified place is planned to happen on the coming morale boosts of some minors taking?

Finnish troops move North and cut off Murmansk at supply 5, but still receiving the deeply-needed US Lend-lease.

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August 17th

Russia really feels all alone...

Leningrad surrounded by Germans and yet was kept at supply 10... (bug?). It was captured anyway after 7 air attacks. Axis high command sent 4 poor minor aircrafts first to remove entrenchment and take most of the damage first, then leaving the kill to German aces. The taking of Leningrad probably gives full supply to both Finland and Norway...

Germany now rules the whole Baltic Sea with the kill of the last remaining Russian ships left to rot there since the beginning of the war, without any reinforcements by Stalin.

Tunisia finally taken by a German corps, after some Italian and German air support.

Diplomatic hit on Morocco (around 77%).

UK still raids Norway convoy.

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