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C3 Tech for HQ's: Command, Control, and, Communication

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I would like to see a technology that boosts the capabilities of HQ's. I propose the creation of a Command, Control, and, Communication Technology.

Increase in C3 tech would have the following effects:

1. An increase in C3 would increase the number of units that can be attached to a single HQ. I would suggest that at level 0 only three units could be attached to a single HQ. But, with the increase of each tech level, an extra unit could be attached to a singley HQ. Hence a level 8 HQ could serve 8 units.

2. An increase in C3 would result in an increase in the readiness level of units attached to that HQ.

3. An increase in C3 would result in an increase of all units even if they are not attached to any HQ - to represent improvements in the internal C3 of the individual units.

The main advantage that the Germans had over the Russians was better C3. Through out the war the Germans repeatedly defeated superior numbers of Russian troops even if the Russians had better tanks, more submachine guns, more artillery support, and more of almost everything else. This Russian troops fought bravely, incurring in the unimaginable casualty rates. There is no doubt that the Russians fought hard, but, despite of their sacrifice, they were not as effective as their German counterparts.

The Russians were plagued with many problems. Lack of well trained officers after Stalin's purges of the officer corps was one of them. Lack of radios was another. I mentined elsewhere that most Russian tanks did not have radios, and they had to resort to flag signals in the middle of a battle. That was suicidal and ineffective. Under this circumstances, tactical finesse was simply not an option.

The advances of the German, and later the American and British armies went beyond the technical. Before the war, the Germans developed very effective radio communication procedures which allowed multiple units to effectively communicate by radio during the heat of battle. Shortly thereafter, the Americans and British also developed such procedures. The German procedures for stating and communication mission orders and objectives were far superior to those of any other nation. In fact, current US army procedures for stating orders are based on the German WWII model.

I would give the Germans a higher C3 level at the begining of the war. Say Germans start at level 2, Brits and US at level 1, and Russ at level 0. This would simulate the superior German C3 at the begining of the war, and, would also allow the Allies the option to invest in C3 research and upgrades to catch up with the Germans.

The intial cost of HQ's could be a little lower. Upgrading each individual HQ to a higher C3 level should involve some expense. However, most advances in C3 represent better combat tactics, communication procedures, unit composition, and the like. So, I would be inclined keep at a minimum the cost of upgrading the individual HQ's or units.

...as far as how much should it cost to research C3, I really don't know. Much like any other area of reseach it means taking a whole bunch of competent people form other tasks, giving them custom made facilites and equipment, and allowing them go on their own until they find something useful. My guess is that it should not be substantially more or less costly than research on any other area.

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Originally posted by SeaMonkey:

Excellent ev, got my support. I know you meant to also increase the command(tiles) range of the HQ for additional tech levels?

Yes, thank you Sea Monkey.

I would suggest an initial range of 3 at C3 Tech Level 0. The range of an HQ could go up by 1 with each increase in C3 tech level. At C3 Tech Level 5 and HQ could have a range of 8 at C3 Tech Level 5.

Playing now devil's advocate, I see two problem with this suggestion:

First, the HQ doubles as a command and a supply center. Do we want to increase the supply range of an HQ because we increase the C3 tech level? One alternative would be to tie the range of an HQ to the Mech Tech Level. More mechanzied HQ's have more trucks instead of horse drawn carts. And, thus have a higher supply range.

Second, I believe SC defines two separate ranges related to the HQ. One is the range from the unit to the HQ. Another is the range from the HQ to its supply source. In most games, the supply range is traced "backwards". That is the range from the unit to the HQ is the unit's range. The range from the HQ to its source is the HQ's range. If SC was coded that way, then it would be very difficult for Hubert to incorporate our request for varying HQ ranges, unless these varying ranges are tied to the tech level of the combat units (not the HQ).

My point is that this fourth suggestion could be more complicated to code. ...and, I would understand if Hubert gives us a "thanks, but maybe SC3" type of answer. Keep in mind Q4 is not that far away when you consider all the coding, playtesting, debugging, etc. And, I really want this game under my Xmas tree in 2004.

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This article might be interesting to some of you


One important point made by the author is that blitzkrieg was not jost about tanks, but about combining tanks (and other combat vehicles) with the German Stormtroop tactics. This in turn, meant new ways of communicating and coordinating the spearhead units with the supporting artillery, engineers, air support, etc.

Although the allies had the tank since WWI, they did not have the other half of the equation when the WWII started. That is one important reason for the German's beating French armor in France 1940, British Armor in North Africa 1941, and, superior Russian armor in 1941 (T 34's were already in the field in 1941).

...this is why I think it is so important to include a C3 Tech or alike.

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Yes. C3I is the key. I definetely support all the postings supporting the important role of modern command structures. Radio, efficient staff structures and linked recon and intel. What would have been the course of the war without Guderians tactics or Bletchley Park??

Naval HQs?

What do all of you think about a Naval HQ? Like the British Admiralty that coordinated Naval Ops? It could raise readiness, fasten experience gathering and support U-Boat Hunting missions (lowering percentage of diving away). The German HQ would support evasion of U-Boats and coordinate attacks against merchant shipping.

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