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Help with operation Barbarosa!

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1. Your Romanian air should probably be reinforced. It won't be any good in air battles (actually, it might at first - Soviet air units are probably not upgraded), but it is almost as good as a German air unit for ground attack.

2. You've not surrounded the two southern armies, so they'll be able to operate to safety and reinforce. Unless you're trying to reach a particular goal, it's probably best make sure they're surrounded, even if that means not killing another unit (as long as that unit is surrounded smile.gif ).

3. You passed up hitting the air unit in the north. That might be a mistake. BTW, don't run up there unless you've spotted it with another unit - it'll initiate a surprise encounter and, as it's an air unit, that'll mean it'll hit you and you won't hit it.

4. Your northern units attacked across a river, which will have reduced their attack power.

U-boats don't reduce in supply each turn, so you can hide them somewhere unexpected (i.e. not on a convoy line). Sneak them out for a one/two turn attack and then hide them again, or save them up for a big anti-shipping attack (i.e. versus the US troops when they're heading for Europe).

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tunatamaker ...1st Bromley's ...point's should be well-taken.

Next...if you have the chance/or are able too!, try to use your forces to cut-off [iE: "Supply-Isolate"] Enemy unit's before destroying them as this will permanently remove them from the game board!.

You should try to recruit at least 2-3 more Armies, 4 more Corp's [For Occupying Captured Cities] and 1 to 2 extra Armor unit's to start with to add more 'Accelerated Assault Punch' for your Eastern-Front Campaign. Damaged unit's will need to be removed for at least one turn so that they can be repaired!. It look's like most of your unit's have taken near serious damage!,...and so this is where the additional unit's would come into play, those Unit's that i previously mentioned just above,...that if you now had them, they could then be used to help keep the 'Attack-Momentum' going on in the battle, thereby helping to deprive the enemy of the opportunity to Repair-His-Units ,... so that he would now not have much of an opportunity to 'Lick his wound's/repair his unit's' or reconsolidate his position's,... .

Disorder, Chaos & Panic will assist in defeating him and inturn allow you a much greater chance to achieve 'Victory'!. Another way to think of this is...to Keep him Off-Balance...and attempt to not let him Regain his Balance!.

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Originally posted by Retributar:

The blue line is not player placed, it comes with the game/in the game,...it indicate's shipping routes to supply Germany, Britain, U.S.S.R. or the U.S.!.

In this case it is a convoy route to Sweden that gets the Germans MPP's every turn it is in operation.

It will disappear if Swedish pro-axis value falls too low - <20?

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looks like you loaded '41 Barby Scenario... Better to build your own. That scenario shows off the Axis weak rather than as capable as they can be. You should have a lot more tech advancements and what not...

It doesn't really matter what you do when you attack, just don't get your units cut off, too far out of supply.

All the points represented by other players are well. Some real good points. Just drive your units, deep and with HQ support and with supply... Make sure Russian Cities support those HQs with at least 30% effectiveness so that you aren't at below Supply 5. Check your units for Readiness and Morale, make sure those levels along with supply are sufficient to continue your attacks... Reinforce, stop, plan and attack... Surround and Crush entrenched positions without Air, with Air pound and take objectives.

Within 1.6 years gametime you should be at the Gates of Stalingrad. There is no wrong or right way to start off a campaign, just make sure you have realistic goals

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P.S. for more advanced players, Long Range Fighters are essential and placing them close to entrenched cities during Winter like Leningrad smart to knockout Entrenchment for the clearer weather. Also to build experience at no cost to yourself for your Luftflottes.

Also if you see an obstruction or defensive line, ist is sometimes best to go the other route, avoid that line altogether also hit AT3 and IW3... If you see that your opponent has invested heavily in Tanks you might want to hyper tech AT tech. Also use more Fighters... Infantry units take major damage attacking Tanks, though Fighters and AT with Tank combos really smash through enemy armor.

Really Corps are the StapleDiet for a good Barby, they fill in holes, they block counterattacks against your Harder Units that are vulnerable right after an offensive to a counteroffensive. I would suggest having 3-4 corps per Power Unit. Army or Tank. To Fill in the Holes of attack after it kills the enemy. Also the LR keeps your Fighters safe and allows you to attack without constantly moving them and operating them. HQs need to be at Supply 10... So they have to be in the proximity of a city to mantain this, watch when you move them not to move them too far away from supply.. If you intend to deliver a knockout punch deep into enemy territory make sure that you can relink with your Supply Lines and do not be afraid to lose, Scout with those LR fighters to know whether or not you can be cut off... ;)

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A point i missed in my last post was concerning aircraft, for spotting purposes.

Fighter's are very good for seeing the positions of enemy units where your ground unit's would normally be unable to visually see them, & Bomber's have even better spotting capability.

Using Aircraft for spotting will save you needless losses & as well,...try to eliminate any enemy aircraft that are within your capacity or where-with-all to do so,...as they can see your unit's at least 6 Square's into your lines.

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Find his name somewhere in this discussion forum...in these postings...and click on his name on the right hand side!...an E-Mail address that he has should be indicated there, then send him an E-Mail!.

Other than that...create a NEW Separate Posting...calling him to your attention...as well as leave it open to anyone else to do likewise,...asking him to respond to your request!. Hopefully, also...someone else may interject and help you out also!.

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Okay. I just found out that the teacher totally changed the troop setup of the Soviet Union. They have many more troops than Germany. So to recap, I will need to take over Leningrad then Moscow, then Stalingrad? and I should try to get rid of the bombers and fighter jets also first?

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He gave them more? What does he have for victory conditions?

Looking at your first move, what you need to do is pick a target and stick with it. I'd suggest Riga. Plaster that one unit on the coastline with all your ships first, then move all the Inf armies up there to surround Riga.

Send the Tanks down to get that Russian tank by Minsk. Hit it with both air units first to weaken it.

In the south, move up and surround Odessa.

Next turn, plaster Riga with everything, you should take it. After that, Minsk with the Tanks. Move air into position to finish off Odessa and Kiev.

AFTER you have those four cities, then you can start thinking about whether you want Leningrad or Moscow. Pick one, and only one.

btw, stay away from Smolensk (at least one tile)until your ready, it triggers Russian reinforcements. Assuming you're teacher didn't change that too...

[ March 19, 2007, 12:00 PM: Message edited by: Lars ]

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Well russia is being led by another group. But i swear it seems that my teacher gave russia the advantage. They have 3 lines blocking everything. Imagine three front lines one behind one another! It seems impossible to break through. He wants Germany to lose it seems.

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Along similar lines, the United States Atlantic/Pacific strategy of WWII closely followed the plans and wargame results of a study called Red Yellow from the 1920s, which planned for a hypothetical war between the United States, and Great Britain!

I doubt any of the planners believed that war would actually come about, but nations routinely plan for all conceivable combinations of adversaries.

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Stalin's Organist!

History does repeat itself!, thank's for providing us this enlightening article that you have revealed to us all!.

Napoleon! thought that he was 'Invincible', but,...in reality...the UNEXPECTED...'Heavy-Rains' the night before mostly decided his battle as well as Some Generals who controlled 1/3rd of his Army who galavanted around on a Wild-Goose-Chase,...thereby depriving the WarLord of much of his army that he needed at Waterloo,...which could have made all-the-difference!.

So now the same with Adolf Hitler!, he thought that he was 'Invincible' or 'Untouchable-Mighty' as well...as he plunged deep into Russia!. He had forgotten that Napoleon's powerful invasion army was crippled by devastatingly cruel Russian-Winter's,...so thereby setting himself up to recieve the same medicine!. He thought that his Master-Race could never be defeated, yet the Lowly-Subhuman-Slavic-Russian's developed the 'T-34 Tank' which laid-out devestating losses to the Mighty Invincible Panzer Divisions,...as well as the Russian's had 'Mastered' the art of surviving in Arctic Conditions...and knew how to make their equipment operate in minus 20 Degree to minus 40 Degree temperature's [The German Equipment Froze up and was Non-Functional/Paralyzed!].

So this $250,000,000.00 Excercise revealed weakenesses in the U.S. 'Operational Art Of War' procedure's and should have been taken up seriously with the utmost attention!,...But was dismissed/ignored by arbitrarily doing a War-Excercise-Reset & War-Games-Rule-Change...so as to not degrade the supposed 'Infallibility/weaknesses'... IE: "IMAGE" of the U.S. Armed Force's!. So,...follow Charle's Bronson's! advice from the Movies [The Mechanic],... "Be Dead Sure or Be Dead!" ,...Also 'Know-Your-Enemy!' ...so... "Be Afraid!!!,...Be Very-Very-Afraid!!!".

[ March 19, 2007, 04:58 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]

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New Thought!!!...

Based on my previous posting, could we not have another research item included in the entourage???.

This would be for example, the German's researching 'Winter-War-Mechanics', in order to be able to deal with 'Freezing Soldiers & Equipment' ...This should be i think, a 'Very-Expensive' research item which of course would become cheaper and cheaper to research as each Winter went by!.

Alternatevely, the same could be done for 'Desert-Warfare-Mechanics' or even 'Jungle-Warfare-Mechanics' [For our upcoming WAR IN THE PACIFIC_Which i endlessly hope for!].

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