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WAW Tournament - The K Man Vs Konigs (The Rematch)

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Previous Turn (May 43.) Unfortunately Benghazi falls to the Allies. Luckily the Italian sub is able to escape the port & attack undamaged.

Russian Cruiser has been sunk (to stop the bombardments that are sure to follow.) The rest of the German troops are regrouping for the next offensive...

Next Turn (Jun 43.) Germans launch offensive in the east. The Russian T-34 division that moved into the fortification vacated by the artillery the previous turn, (southeast of Rostov) is attacked by Stukas, & an Army group. Destruction follows. Tiger tank divisions are on the move. The 1st division moves to destroy a HQ. The 2nd moves in to kill the artillery that had shelled our troops. A 3rd Tiger division moves down to cut off (surrounding) the remaining T-34 division sitting in the forts near Rostov.

Armys move in from Turkey and damage a Corp & Anti-Tank division. Bombers fly again from Turkey to continue the bombing of Stalingrad from the turn before. (Most of the civilians who moved from Grozny to Stalingrad are on the move again...)

Paratroopers land and take the oil fields of Maikop.

A German fighter group flys against a remaining Russian fighter group, catching them & destroying all of them on the ground.

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Powerful Axis forces continue to squeeze Soviets in the Stalingrad Caucus regions. Surrounded T-34 dies knocking a tiger down to 1 point. An attack in the approaches of Stalingrad knocks an army down to 4. Allies advance on Tobruk. Paris destroyed in a huge bomber offensive, Brussels knocked down also. Caen and Brest kept at Zero. Also Air attacks on the defending units.

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The attack continues in the Stalingrad/Caucus Regions.

An Army that just marched into Tblisi, is rudely welcomed and destroyed. (Should have saved the paratrooper for the vacant city.)

Army moves in to spot the engineer, that continues to construct the forts. A tank follows to knock him out.

An Army located in a fort is killed along with the artillery next to it. 2 Corps are also added to the list of dead. Paratroopers combine to cut off the other Russian army sitting in the fort.

U-boats are finnally out on convoy patrol...

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The Soviet commanders feel like they are fighting a giant python, and they slowly being strangled. Counterattacks the order of the day for the Stalingrad and Caucus fronts. West allies try to bring relief, Tobruk nearly taken, Bomber offensive strikes Europe hard, Damage taken from 3 AA and a Italian and Luftwaffe Fighter. smile.gif

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Aug 43: Stalingrad is almost surrounded. 3 more corps destroyed in Russia.

No reponse yet to the allied landings in France.

Italians sink the US Cruiser, and almost the destroyer. (down to 1.) (Boy I've had alot of those on ships in this game.) My cruiser runs into a battleship. (Taking on water, he will most probably be sunk next turn.)

Italian Bomber somehow is destroyed with its attack (Blasted out of the sky at Grozny.) The attack/defense showed 1/1. But I can only assume it does not include the AA guns. Since my bomber was at strength of 5, I can only guess the AA got a hit of 3 and the city ended up being a 2 hit. Wow, that was drastic. Looks like Russian AA is at 1. AA might be higher...

But good to see that bombers are not invincible...

Convoy raiding continues in Atlantic...

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More troops a shore in the Brest area. Last sub?,hunted and found on the USA lend lease route. US forces advancing on Alexdandria. US retaliate and sink an Italian cruiser and fly planes on the BBs. Soviets in dire straights in the Stalingrad area, instead of sitting tight and being bombed to pieces, Soviet army strike out on a Tiger and reduces it 4 points. Zukov retreats into the hinter lands. Cuacus front prepares for the assault sure to come. See you.. :cool:

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Yes, UK must have intercepted U-boats message from atlantic. Cruiser is sunk.

Aug 15, 1943. Corp on Tblisi is destroyed by German armys. Tank division moves into the vacant city, and knocks the adjacent AA gun down to 2.

Russian army is killed in Grozny, by a combination army and tank. The tank also finishes of the AA gun. Paratrooper lands in Grozny (not much left of the city, from the bombings.)

The one strength army is finished off in Stalingrad, and the city is in German hands. The corp in a fort next to Stalingrad is also KIA.

3 more Russian cities for the German cause...

Italian ships move off...

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Yep Soviets in dire striaghts to say the least. US forces attacking Alexandria. Cherbourg and Caen Fall. Bordeaux is under assault. Can the west relieve enough presure off of Soviets or is it too late? Side note, K-man has played a flawless paitent game, excellent positioning of units to maximize arty and tac bombers. He has taken some casulties but has smashed a strong high tech soviet army with relatively frustrating ease.... smile.gif

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Thanks for the kind words JJ! Game is fun & worth it.

Konigs has played a tough game. (Thanks for the vote of confidence.) But I have seen some mistakes on my part. The U-boat campaign has not faired well at all against your excellant defense. (You place those ships well.) Initially I was taking some serious damage (money wise) to the german land units. It improved later as the game progressed, probably do to experience. The Turkey campaign should have happened sooner. (Then I foolishly lost 2 tanks there.) But the war goes on...

End of Aug 1943, Zhurkov is captured trying to escape towards the Ural mountains of Northeast Russia. Konev is also captured south of Grozny. Both are immediately imprisoned. 2 more corps (surrounded in the Caucas Moutains are killed.) Most of the other troops are on the move...One city (Baku) and Oil well remain in south east Russia.

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I am glad you enjoy reading AAR Jersey John, I hope others also enjoy. I know I do when they are there.

Leaderless Soviets attempt to rebuild in the Urals. The new rules on operating make it tougher to get those HQs away after the line collapses. Stalin screaming for some meaningful offensives from west allies to aid his faltering forces.

So Ike takes Alexnadria and backs an Italian engineer next to Cairo with a minor army fortifying in the city proper.

Bradley and Clark(misclick, was looking for Patton) launch fighters and bombers on an entrenched Tiger south of Paris. Flying all fighters in range(at least for the moment) they were engaged by the newly beefed up Western Luftwaffe. Two US bombers flew to reduce Paris back to zero and to pummel the Tiger some more. Clark finally released his two lvl 3 Shermans to attack, Tiger gone, but both Shermans reduced in strength considerable. Two Brit Carriers, US rangers, British Army and a British corp assaulted and captured Bordeaux. Allies hanging on by a thread. Best news was the elimination of last known U-boat the last turn...... See you guys.... smile.gif

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Sep 43: Germans are keeping pressure on the Russians. Last corp surrounded near Tblisi in Causasus is destroyed. A German Army group moves thru the last remaining oil well near Baku, to face off with the last remaining unit (corp) in the south.

Further north, German troops surround the city of Kuybyshev (yeah I had to write that one down.)

In France, one Luftwaffe squadrian is sent to take out one of the Sherman Tank groups that had destroyed our Tiger Division. They are successful. Stukas are sent in to finish off the other Sherman's. The remaining forces stay entrenched. More attacks are sure to follow...

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Baku unit is ordered to tie down as many troops as possible for the motherland. Fortress Kuybyshev is prepared to hold off advanced elements as long as possible. Units surrounding them are not at full strength. This info is passed along to the west Allies.

Cairo is invested. Intelligence notes a Luftwaffe fighter in the Sinai desert. Must be one of those dreaded stukas lurking nearby.

Units move into position near Paris. The next big objective in the West. More units land. Bombers fly. Allies intelligence notes the difficulty of axis transfer of troops to frontline in France. Bombardment of Brussels and Paris hubs has paid off. In a fire side Chat, FDR speaks of victories still needed to over come the Axis Juggernaut. The need for more tanks and planes to replace the equipment lost so far in the French campaign.

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German troops close in on Baku. We see them preparing their defenses for the onslaught.

German generals orders: No time for stopping & reinforcing! Fortress Kuybyshev is overcome by a coordinated attack of a corp, paratrooper, and Tiger tank divisions. Air was grounded due to the rains in this region.

Luftwaffe strikes against a US Corp on the Egyptian front. Romanian Army in Cairo attacks corp. Both units are damaged. Italian Battleships (blocking entrance to rest of middle east) bombard a corp on the coast.

Meanwhile in France orders from Hitler are to hold Paris at all costs! A UK corp that had moved next to Paris is destroyed by the Luftwaffe (fighters & stukas.) The bad weather is sure to come...

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Egypt is liberated and returned to the Commonwealth, India sends reinforcements to Cairo. IT. BB blocks the Suez Caanl.

All out assault with alot of planes and units goes for the quick grab of Paris. They fail by one point. That could be costly as many units are exposed. The Wermacht has brought in more units than was suspected. More toops land in France. smile.gif

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High command is upset over loss of Eygpt. US corp is taken out by fighter/Stuka combination.

Baku falls to the German empire. Forces turn to the north & approach Kazan. Planes still grounded in North Russia due to rains.

The big action is on the Western front. (Oct 1943.) High command was waiting for a break in the weather. This time it favors the axis. (Rains over Britain.) There will be no interceptors flying out of UK.

German army knocks UK corp down to 1. Italian fighter group KIA's the corp.

The one strength corp that survived and held Paris, is moved to the back of the lines for some well needed (& deserved) R & R. Medals will be handed out for its valor in Paris.

A fighter flys hitting a US army (drawing the AA fire.) Stuka knocks US Army to 2 with escorting fighters. Another fighter group flys to finish off the job.

Another Stuka group dive bombs a UK army north of Paris (down to 3.) A corp mops up the army.

Another German corp knocks a UK corp down to 5 and moves into Paris. (Orders are the same.) Stand and hold and all costs.

Artillery shells the US Paratroopers Northwest of Paris. Pz-Grenadiers mix it up with the Paratroopers, and move off. A fresh Tiger tank division moves in to finish off the Paratroopers.

More troops are ready for the front...

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All out grab for Paris on the Same turn Cairo fell turns ugly for Allies. Forces pull into a hedge hog position and ope for bad weather as Air forces recoup losses form last turn. Bomber Harris is fired for loosing the Brtish bomber(mis click,forgot to get off bomber toreview damage of Paris, and Italians shoot them down, lesson learned)

Egyptian forces lament the loss of Corp who was allowing too many soldiers liberties(bathing) in the Suez canal. :D Arty and USN heavily damage on IT bb blocking, notice another and engage it also. Egypt forces ready to continue in the desert.

USSR forces still recovering and looking for an oppurtunity as it seems all Axis air except Rumanians has left the east. See you..... smile.gif

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End of Nov 1943: I see Russian forces are starting to rebuild. German forces rebuild this turn as well.

A Corp, Army & Fighter combine to knock an AT down to 5 on the western front. (I thought the army would cause more damage than 1 or 2 against an AT.)

Hated to do it (but orders are orders!) Fighter & Stuka squadrians fly out against the "Big Maime" (Battleship Massachusetts.) The Italian battleship Andrea Doria, sinks the burning hull.

(Hated to sink the ship that floats in my "back yard.") Thought I'd get down & visit the old boat this year, but maybe next year.

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Soviet commisars driving forces out of the mountains to retake Kuybyshev and punish the low supply forces of the Axis. Sitting back entrenched did not work the first time... smile.gif

NA force postioning itself for an offensive into the Mideast.

France front forces take advantage of clear weather in December and fly some planes to engage Luftwaffe and strafe some troops.

Relatively quiet over all.

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German forces welcome the fresh Russian troops. Troops were busy celebrating the victories in the south. But they are getting itchy for some more action. The Russian Army who tried taking on the Tiger tank division, (left at strength 3,) is taken out by the same tank division as it moves off...Again weather has been to the allies advantage here, grounding the planes in North Russia.

In middle east, troops prepare their defenses for the on coming US force...

Western Front: Snow hits Britain & Rain falls over France. That means all planes are grounded. Since it is December, High Command figures on getting one good push, and hope to time it right with the weather which will probably be snow.

Tiger tank division moves in to attack a Corp (8) and destroys the unit. Pz-Grendier forces are called on to take on the Anti Tank unit. (Damaged to 4 strength.) More Tigers attack an Army group knocking it down to 1 (only one hit was used, didn't want to take the damage for a second hit.) A German army moves up to finish off the UK Army.

The German army stationed in Paris is sent to battle the AT over the river, almost killing it. (Down to one.) (I now see why the army didn't have a higher damage rate against the AT last turn. Due to the river south west of Paris.) After the attack, the army moves out of Paris. A corp comes in to finish of the Anti Tank.

Another Tiger division moves into the opening created by the AT unit, and destroys the Artillery in 2 hits. (No damage to the tank.)

The High Commands biggest concern is the weather for the next turn. Many German Weatherman were called on for forecasts on the upcoming weather for the planning on the attack.

As the turn ends, we can see the attack (gamble) has paid off. Snow is on the ground & still coming down in France. Planes will be unable to launch on the troops out in the open. His land troops will have a reduced attack strength to counter attack due to the snows.

Forcasters are calling for mud & clear skies next turn...Hope they're right...

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Yes, Soviets run to meet the Axis forces and will decide her fate on the Offensive as a defensive posture met disastrous casulties last time.

Allies reposition forces after taking heavy casulties. An AT attacks an exposed Tiger, both take losses.

US forces cautiously advance over the suez, we excpect some devious trap or well prepared defensive positions..... smile.gif

Climax of game seems to have passed and seems an advantage to Axis. Allied commanders still have high morale and strong forces, we will continue to press home the assualt on fortress Europe... smile.gif

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Jan 30, 1944: Snow over France.

Two "special units" clash on the battlefield.

Pz-Grenadiers take on the US Rangers. Both knocked down one. We call in for some Tank support. Tigers knock out the Rangers in Two hits (with minimal damage.)

Another Tank division reduces an AT down to one. A corp moves in for mop-up duty...

Still another Group of Tigers attack a Corp, reducing it to one. Unfortunately the high command sends a corp to do an armies job, so the german corp is unable to finish off the UK Corp.

In the east...still snowing (feels like its been snowing since the end of summer.)

Two Tiger tank groups combine to destroy a corp.

Another Russian corp is knocked out by a Corp/Paratrooper/Tank attack.

We abandon the City of Kuybyshev after destroying much of the structures...Didn't want to lose the Tank division for that city.

More troops are arriving from the west and south.

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Kuybyshev is retaken, Tiger almost kia. More troop driven to assualt the German forces in the Area.

West allies fly entire West Airforce on the lead tiger and engage with a Brit corp. Tiger is down. West forces repostion units and bring in reinforcements.

In to the valley rides the Mid east force as we cross Suez and advance in to Sinai desert. HQ bombarded. We await the counter ttack..... :cool:

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