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WAW Tournament - The K Man Vs Konigs (The Rematch)

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The Battle has begun. (This is a rematch from the 1st tournament.) We have switched sides.

The K Man is Axis & Konigs is Allies.

On turn 2, the axis command decides to create more space to manouver. First they strike at the Benelux countries. Followed by Denmark.

German troops are on the doorstep of Warsaw.

With the uncertainty of the new 2 strike tanks, a fighter was used to soften up the army in Benelux. The new game should prove interesting, with old strategies, and new maps...how it all plays out...to be continued...

Let him who is without aim, throw the first stone.
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Turn 3 - October 1939. Poland succumbs to the German might. Tank division rolls over Warsaw. Meanwhile in the west, German troops inch closer to the French border in Benelux. Weather has been good to the Germans.

Much of the usual so far in WAW (strategy wise.) But with the "new tanks" and "stukas" the countries can fall a little quicker. (at least for the moment.)

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Up to Dec 1939. Weather is still favoring the axis. German troops approach the gates of Paris.

Italy had joined war, prior turn...A german U-boat was found by a french cruiser near the US. Little damage to the U-boat, but heavy damage to the cruiser. Sub attempts to escape thru the straits of Canada, but two pesky UK destroyers cut off the sub and heavily damage it. In the return fire (torpedo) one destroyer has been damaged good. It is now a cat & mouse game.

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End of December 1939. Snow keeps the planes grounded for now. German troops now have half of Paris surrounded. The damaged U-boat, has made its escape for the moment.

The new tank definitely speeds up the fall of the first 4 countries. Another

big factor here is, in the old game French troops would have operated from the Maginot line to Paris. But by cutting off the rails, it can't be done. I do agree with Konigs that you should get 2 shots with the French tank (and all others.)

Besides in reality the french tank was not weaker than the Germans, just not managed


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February 1940. German troops march victoriously into Paris. UK stands alone against the German machine.

A fortunate turn of fate for the allies, as the two French Battleships join the British side.

(if I only knew the traitors would join...) If you turn yourselfs in to any German or Italian port immediately, we promise to give all sailors & officers pardons and a free 1000 year subcription in the new "German a la Paris" newspaper.

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May 1940. Pretty Quiet. UK bomber moves down to the island of Malta. The corp there moves into amphibious mode (destroyed by fighter/bomber combination.)

Still can't get over how long it takes to build a full size fortification. 6 months! Wow, don't like that...

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The malta bomber learns the hard way, where the

German Luftwaffe has went, Behghazi?.?.? We await the next big blow. Not happy about the Corp being destroyed so easily, que sera, we fight on. We bombard Tobruk in repsonse to corp being sank.... smile.gif

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End of July 40. The sandstorms on the egyptian front are hindering German/Italian operations. The weather has changed in the allies favor.

Since the sandstorms are over the allies this turn, the fighters are unable to do bombing raids on the UK troops. The Allied Naval commander has moved its navy out of the storms and in range of bombarding Tobruk and axis troops foolish enough to be on the coast. With the assistance of an Italian Battleship & Cruiser, the fighter squadrians scrable on the UK battleships near Tobruk, and send 2 to the bottom of the ocean...

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Sandstorms keep flipping back and forth. Either over the allied units (can't attack with air.) Or the storm is over the axis units (I can't fly.) Did a sandstorm really last for a week? Don't know alot about them. Allied next turn is clear. Lets see what the axis gets...

(This is reminisent of our first tounament game in which Konigs kept getting hit with the malta effect, sometimes at the beginning and end of a turn.) The malta effect hindered him, as our the storms for me.

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Storms lift (last two turns.) Finally able to make some progress (end of Aug 40.) The army garrison unit in the fort is destroyed with a combination of air and tank power. (But it took alot of effort.) Bombers also do some damage on the coastal battleship...

Observations on WAW so far: Have to agree with Terif on Eygpt. With the sandstorms, it makes it extremely difficult to do anything against Eygpt (without bringing down a good number of troops.) Again, realisticly, how long would sandstorms (or snow) for that matter last, in a one week, two week, or month turn. At some point, you have to be able to fly. It would be different if the turns were only a day or two, like other campaigns. So, not crazy about the long "storms" on the longer turn games like Fall Weiss.

I also think the engineer build time, is way too long now. Went from 30,40,50,60 days to 90,120,150,180 (I believe.) I can understand upping the time, but seems a little extreme. Should have been more of a gradual increase IMO.

So far, I like the 2 strike tanks, but if one country is going to have it, then all should.

It definitely helped destroy France much quicker. And I didn't bring down 2 armies to the French scene. Basicly the 2 german tanks was like having 4 tanks (from the old SC2,) only better, since you didn't have to move it out of the way for the next tank to come down. I think if France had a 2 shot tank, it would help (a little) at least in counter-damage. Might have to give the French some more armies, to counter this huge advantage at the beginning.

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Eygpt finally falls by Dec 1940. Axis will now prepare for the next phase of the war...

Previously the UK and German navies traded a UK battleship, for a German cruiser out near Norway. (Both lay at the bottom of the sea.) Italian fighter continues to attack, UK corp sitting on Malta...

The Stuka's (tactical bombers) are a nice feature in this game.

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Aug 1941: Next phase of the war begins, The War in Russia.

German panzers supported by Luftwaffe begin the attack on mother Russia. At the same time, Bulgarian, Romanian, and Hungarian troops cross into Yugoslavia to crush the Allied supporters.

Meanwhile on the African campaign, the German army moves into Syria.

Previous turn: Allies attack & take the poor Norwegians.

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Getting deeper into Soviet territory. The winter effect has hit axis forces. A well placed partisan almost nets Kiev. Instead several units involved in its destruction. Kharkov holding. In the North, Leningrad falls after a short and sharp battle. Artillery has been introduced to a deadly effect,defensively and offensively in that area. FDR has brought America in around early November. Should be a better game for allies, at least more fun... smile.gif

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Yes, the Russian winter hits. Dec 1941. Siberians also follow at end of turn. Germans reorganizing on the eastern front. Soviet sub is sunk in the port of Lenigrad. Baltic Sea is now clear. Air is grounded till the weather clears. Allies continue to bombard coastal cities in France. Axis forces control Iraq and Iran in middle east. (Nice to finally have a corp defending Iran for the allies.) Not sure whats defending Saudi Arabia at this point (still Neutral.)

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Weather is still favoring the allies. Snow in the east continues to ground air forces. The ground troops, although getting use to the cold temperatures, can't mount much of an attack. (More coats are on the way.) Army dug in around Kharkov does little damage to the corp garrison there. Reinforcements arrive for the tank division at Kharkov. No attacks elsewhere on the eastern front. Most troops are either on the move or reinforcing from the coldest soviet winter on record.

UK Bombardments continue as Konigs said for the poor French cities on the coast. Multiple Uboat wolfpacks are on the move. The British/Canadian Navy, have set up a line of ships, daring us to cross them in the north sea. The canadian cruiser is heavily damaged by one uboat. The battle of the Atlantic has begun...again weather favors allies. Rain over France & Benulux, while skies are clear over Britain.

I do wonder how the British are mananging to get the artic convoys into Russia, thru the Frozen White sea...

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Wow, very little damaged to the 4 u-boats. With several attacking destroyers, cruisers and 1 bomber they all escape with little damageafter evading except one unit. It takeslittle damage. Subs level 2, some ofmine lvl 1 ASW. Seems they escape a little too easy, especially since a few units were destroyers and they had a chance to some decent damage all missed. Hopefully they all escaped home and not towards my convoy routes. Not much on the ground front as winter still holds east in its grip... smile.gif

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