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DD: You have been out in the sun too long? Keep your opinions regarding faith to yourself. As much as I try to "turn the other cheek," I cannot stomach this continuous flow of bull****. I know where I can go ... but I will not be going there. Tag

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Originally posted by Lars:

...Sheesh, how often do you see people bitch about getting something for free. :rolleyes:

Hey, one time I got some free cow manure that was so loaded with weed seeds it cost me a small fortune in weed killer after I spread it.

...so much more than I ever expected to pay for cow ****, so on second thought maybe it wasn't free after all? huh.

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DD: You have been out in the sun too long?
A lot

Being that I live on the desert and all,

But, no, tag, no skin cancer as of yet,

Thank the Lucky Stars! :cool:

Keep your opinions regarding faith to yourself.
I do believe it was Fubarno

His very ownself who volunteered

His opinion on this matter.

No, sorry, I won't keep my opinions

To myself,

Since no-one else does,


They shouldn't!


For democracy, little "d!"

I merely put in my zwei pfennigs,

That OK with you?

Besides which,

I did NOT champion,



Or otherwise

Force feed

Some certain religious "faith."

Only ventured that, Faith,

In and of itself,

Is vital,

Else you'll end up dessicate,

Like I said.

ANYBODY here can say, nearly,

What EVER they please,

Ask Kuni or rambo or who-ever else

Rip-rap snap happily! does so! :D

Nice to have "freedom of speech,"

(... I have also tolerated, and even

enjoyed "healthy debate" EVEN WHEN

it is YOUR unique "bulls**t I am a'listening to ;) )



In America,

That's of some real concern.

IMHO, of course.

Any concern to you?

Ah, I get it!

You've been reading PT Barnum again!

Who observed:

"In order to draw a crowd

all you gotta do

is... start a fist fight!"

You ever been... in the center ring?


Someplace else where Life is

Hanging by... a trembling thread? ;)

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Sorry all. I shouldn't be so harsh as yes, many GREAT minds have had their faith, including Darwin, and hopefully you live in a country where you can follow your faith without persecution. Even my paltry intelect is ocasionally moved by something greater than what can be touched by the senses or theorized by scientific method.

What I can't stomach is the evangalizing for Jesus, Mohamad or any other religion that has come down the pipe. It becomes particularly odd when someone wants to pray to Jesus that SC2 will be all that and create some ridiculous homily to support their faith. Sheesh! Lay off the communion wine. Change your tag to WWJP (what would jesus play). :D

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I have already paid my money but want/need a demo anyway smile.gif
Well, Night,

Have no fear,

You ARE indeed going to have one, and

From what I have thus far

Here & there heard,

It is going to be... VERY interesting,

VERY unique, different from

And better than what we got

For SC-1. :cool:

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As originally posted by Fubarno, who KNOWS some things:

... and hopefully you live in a country where you can follow your faith without persecution...

I live in America,

I volunteered to serve

When it was requested of me, and

Surely intend to defend

My country, unto death

Should it be necessary,

And justified,


Yet... of late, things are gettin'

A mite... "dicey"

RE: what is religion and what is State.

I am concerned that these remain

Strictly separated, and so

I feel... I SHOULD be... ever alert.

Even my paltry intelect...
From what I have read, I SERIOUSLY

Doubt this self-less comment.

... is ocasionally moved by something greater than what can be touched by the senses or theorized by scientific method.

This is surely a truth, and you've said it

Better than I only recently did. smile.gif

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(In any case, thanks for an interesting post!)

Thanks SB,

Appreciate the comment, though,

Here of late

I've been re-considering

My earliest child desire, now,

And later, become stirrings

Of un-earthly choir,


Finally hide-away in... Monastery.

[... don't everybody cheer at once! It's

hard to hear... anything else!]

As one of my favorite writers,

Thomas Merton,

Who met with Suzuki

In his own latter years,


As I would myself imagine is best

Possible synthesis,

To meld the two sorts

Of disparate faiths.

I do believe it's what will happen

Down the hitch-hike road. smile.gif

A common understanding

That might, just might

Allow us all to live together

More joy-fully, more considerately.

Maybe... maybe not, but,

I (personally) gotta have faith,

Non-denominational, yes,

Of course. ;)

[ March 07, 2006, 11:43 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

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Jesus Christ?!? I go away for two days and you guys manage to drag yet another topic down the toilet with inane rambling.

The demo will be released when it is ready, it is planned to be ready PRIOR to the full game shipping. At that time, you will all get your dirty little "faithless" or "faithful" hands on it.

Discussions about the relative merits of one mode of belief or the other can be carried out SOMEWHERE ELSE (i.e. not on our forums).


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