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Malta was a key Allied island base sitting astride Axis shipping lanes as a naval and air interdiction threat. Its presence drained away much of the supplies destined for the Afrika Korps. How is this reflected in the game? There's a port. But due to the one unit per square rule, you can either have a corps or an airfleet on the island but not both. Seems like a game limitation which also effects Crete and Gibraltar, downgrading their significance.

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But there can either be an air group or a troop garrison. Not both.
Players get to make a decision, just like in SC1. Army, Corps, Air Fleet or Bomber?? ;)

The new Malta Effect scripts now affect either Tripoli/El Agheila OR Tobruk/Alexandria regardless of unit type on Malta. We're assuming the Malta garrison has a variety of forces sufficient for both defense and Axis supply interdiction. Depending on the type of unit you choose to place there, you will gain some advantages and lose others. It's an interesting trade-off.

Axis can take Malta, but it takes time and effort. Is it worth it? Players will have to decide. ;)

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How about a new unit: a combo infantry/airfleet counter expressly desgned for single square islands? Or simply an air unit with beefed up ground defense. I believe this is a must have if a Pacific Campaign mod ever sees the light of day.

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As orignally posted by PeterX:

How about a new unit: a combo infantry/airfleet counter expressly desgned for single square islands?

Good idea.

I had thought of a similar

Sort of unit awhile back.

Who knows?

May see the light of day

In another way,

Mod or what-not. smile.gif

Or simply an air unit with beefed up ground defense.
You could do this in the Editor.

I have done it

For the Air Squadrons

In the 1941-42 North Afrika


No reason we couldn't presume

That there is some sort of permanent


Brigade-sized most likely,

And ALWAYS providing base security

For valuable Air Fleets. :cool:

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Originally posted by PeterX:

Thanks for the poetic concurrence. You might call it the 'Air Garrison' corps. Of course, the quandry of adding fighters or bombers or both will present itself. I picture an in situ upgrade option; very handy for that stategically located atoll.

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Thanks for the poetic concurrence. You might call it the 'Air Garrison' corps. Of course, the quandry of adding fighters or bombers or both will present itself. I picture an (expensive) in situ upgrade option; very handy for that stategically located atoll.

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PeterX, in continuance:

You might call it the 'Air Garrison' corps. Of course, the quandry of adding fighters or bombers or both will present itself.

"Air Garrison" sounds appropriate

And has that rhythmic quality as well. smile.gif

I had thought... for a unit sprite:

One small soldier,

Different than any others in game,

(... maybe sitting on pith helmet

peeling potatoes? No, that's

too typically... "in situ" ;) )

With "generic" Air unit

Hovering overhead,

(... generally re-presented as

BOTH fighters and TAC/Naval bombers)

As some game graphics have it,

Where the Carrier has a couple planes

Suspended just up above the decks

Down below? smile.gif

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