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Waypoints along roads, time cost!!!???

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Why does waypoints plotted along a road cost time? I've experimented an have found out that sometimes if you plot between two intersections the units will plot along the road, but not always! Sometimes they take a direct route which might cause them to bogdown! What gives? If I plot along the road I can accumulate up to 240 or more seconds, 6 minutes, this is ridiculous! How come this has not been fixed! Plotting between two contiguous road hex's should not cost any time. It's one thing to tell a units to move thru a wood, thru a house along a road, etc., but to tell a driver to stay on the road is dumb! I think your trying to add too much realizism for a simple computer game. KISS, keep it simple stupid!

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If I plot along the road I can accumulate up to 240 or more seconds, 6 minutes, this is ridiculous!
Actually, 240 seconds are only four minutes, but I take your point.

Seriously, I think that if you're getting delays like that then you're either on a poorly-designed map or else you're planning way too much movement in advance. My most complicated moves rarely end up with delays of over 45 seconds, especially on roads. I think you're trying to do too much.

There is actually quite a lot of leeway when turning corners: you shouldn't have to plot more than one point for a right-angled turn. I think aiming for graceful curves when driving a 38T tank is expecting too much. In any case, as soon as something unexpected happens, your careful planning will probably become redundant.

Yes, I do think that AFVs should have a "follow road" command where you just set the entry and exit points for the road portion of your journey. I think that in trying to prevent abuses of the myriad of waypoints, micromanagement orgies of CMBO, another problem has arisen, especially as was pointed out in a previous thread on this topic, if you're trying to co-ordinate movement of a convoy along a road. Having said that, I recently saw some photographs depicting German armor trying to move in the "mud" season: even on 'roads' the process looked like a nightmare.

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Capt Cliff, don't try to plot the entire route. Do only what you can accomplish in a turn or two. I.e., if it takes four waypoints to plot road, but it would take three turns to get there, don't plot those four points. Plot one or two, and go. Then re-adjust in turn three, or whatever.

It takes a while to see how far your AFVs can move in a turn, but after a while, you'll know.

Yeah, it's more micro-mgmt than needed (I'd like a "plot road' option too!), but it's not really a big deal considering you also should be giving orders to most of your unit each turn, etc.

Please ignore any spellings, I'm drunk as hell on Balvennie 21-year old port wood scotch, and for some reason, I play mutch better CMBB when blitzed.


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With all the kind and well meaning advice aside, he has a point. It shouldn't take four minutes to sit on a road and decide to just drive down it.

Whether to go right or left is something that is decided as you go along -instantly. It is the same whether you are on foot or in a vehicle.

In my personal opinion, this delay thing is the most unneeded change that has happened and I don't look upon it as an improvement at all. Here is to hoping that it gets taken out for good.

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