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Augen Zu!--Who else has played it?--SPOILERS

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This is another really cool, brilliantly researched--but huge--historical scenario by Frank Radoslovich. I played it recently and have many questions about how it would replay under different circumstances, but would take so long to replay the game from another side that I thought I'd ask, instead, for YOUR experiences.

As you know if you've played it, the Axis has to attack a town at night across several possible bridges. They have, by the time all reinforcements have arrived, something like 18 Panthers, 4-5 HTs, a battalion of inf, and a lot of artillery. For AFVs, the Allies have only 4 Hellcats, but these are helped by 6-7 AT guns, plus a at least a dozen zooks and an inf. battalion or so. The Allies rely on the limited access provided by bridges, plus the fact that it's night, so Panther range is much limited. The real question is, can a zook, AT, & inf force beat a heavy tank infantry force given the right terrain features (& night conditions).

Somebody on the forum once said it was unbalanced, but didn't say which way--I would guess toward Axis? I played as Allies vs. AI and managed a Major Victory--but the AI scattered his force by trying to cross all the bridges and also led with his tanks, which meant many Panthers died at the hand of night-lurking zooks. In fact, all the Pathers died in the end, while I still had 2 Hellcats. But I might have been slaughtered by a good human opponent who used sound tactics.

On the other hand, once you've played the Allied side, the strategy AGAINST Allies may seem a lot more obvious than if you were attacking blind.

The right Axis tactics would seem to me to be to lead with infantry, focus on crossing ONE bridge, feeling your way with infantry, then blasting strongpoints with arty as they are discovered. Then, once the bridge is crossed, I guess you'd push out with infantry and form a bridgehead into which you safely marshal your tanks. Then use combined arms tactics to capture the other VLs. Has anyone as Axis tried this approach? Did it actually work? Can Allies successfully hold out against such a well-planned attack?

OTOH, Did anybody try to flank the whole Allied position by going down that narrow track on the Allied left and cross the bridge in the rear? That would look dicey both for attack and defense.

All in all, just curious what your experiences have been.

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Well, I never quite finished it, but I did play most of it. Great scenario. To answer your questions:

1) I pushed a platoon or so across the flanking bridge to use as scouts and ferret out ambushes near the main road bridge. My main effort was aimed at that bridge, with another platoon working towards the bridge on the right just to keep the American infantry pinned down.

2) I found the most effective tactic for the advance was to deploy my infantry in a line about 50m in front of a line of Panthers and 75mm toting HTs. The infantry would find the enemy, then the line of armor would annihilte them in short order. Also, the Panthers are nearly impervious to frontal shots from 57mm atgs and zooks, so I had little to worry about there.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mesk A. Lin:

Where did you found that scenario? Could you post the link or even send it to me? It sounds great. Historical, Huge and Bridges ist all I go for. :rolleyes:


Check your email. It's on the way. Not sure which site hosts it--so much turnover there lately. If anyone know where you can download, please post.


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Please do send it! I'm one of your biggest fans, as you can see, though I think you have many.

I'm interested to know that it was the German forces that needed help! 18 Panthers doesn't quite cut it at night against bridges, zooks & dug-in ATs! I just saw a message on the other board saying someone won as Allies in a PBEM against an experienced opponent, so apparently that may be true.

(email: travisanot@hartwick.edu)

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