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Do I Challenge Peng or Wait for Roxy?

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Holy Moly!

Turn your back for a few days and get buried by the posts!

Let me belatedly congratulate Athkatla on the successful conclusion of his shameless, whorish campaign to make squire. In honor of the event our family has started referring to the vomit-soaked hairballs our cat occasionally leaves us as "athkatlas."

I would also like to belatedly welcome Roxy to the 'Pool. Nice to have some more of that feminine rapier-wit amongst all the blunt instruments that loiter about here.


Sir Harv and I are playing some "Gamey as You Wanna Be" slugfest on a map the approximate size of Montana. Too early to tell. Doubtless the heat of central Kentucky has melted his thinking bits to mush, so it may be a while before I get a turn. Take your time, you sun-stroked Saskatewtwit!

Simone and I are playing with a heavy dose of splodey things. I got to watch my veteran Stuart tank top over a hill to take on a Lynx, spot and identify a PANTHER at 700m+ and engage in a standing duel against the big cat! There were two survivors, whom I will shoot myself to ensure that they don't breed.

Every time I read one of Shaw's posts I hear Sousa music in the background.


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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

You spelled however wrong......... dork!

You posted the wrong sentence.

Your post should have read:

"I know I am all those things that someone not worth remembering listed somewhere in this thread, but I still humbly beseech you to consider the possibility that you might actually have meant to write "However" rather than merely "How".

I'm almost certain I'm wrong (as of course you always are) but I lack any intellectual ability to consider Pansy Loser to be unoriginal because compared to my worthless self he is a Picasso, an Einstein, or any other gifted genius. Of course that doesn't actually ay anything much because it is only in comparison to me and I know I am a worthless git of the lowest possible order and my calling you a dork was a compliment because compared to my miserable self a Dork seems like the height of class, taste, distinction and culture, which jsut proves how really pathetic and miserable a piece of cess I really am."

so go away and try again....no, hang on....on second thoughts (2 more than you've ever had) just go away.

[ August 08, 2002, 05:39 PM: Message edited by: Mike ]

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You spelled "just" wrong. As a side note, i find you as un-original as Piccasso, who was quite an ordinary artist until he got himself into a pissing contest with other "provocative" artists his main rival who started this style before him to see who could come up with the most different painting.

And as far as Einstein goes , if you had the mental capacity off something more then an amoeba, i might suggest you looking into Lorentz.

Be as it may you have my ut most condolence to your rain-main esque speech centered around the word "dork". Is it safe to assume you are mystified and perplexed to the workings of the spork? Most would think so, but i view you as the little tug boat that could....do alot of things if indeed it were not a tug boat, or in your case, primate. You my friend are a waste of the opposable thumb and i call for you to give yours back to thier rightful owner. A Doctor would sooner find a lost tribe of Etruscan settlers combing your skull then a brain larger then a dust mite.

You Tike are nothing more then a facsimile of idiocy who should stop himself when the notion of speech or ideas comes to mind, for just as soon as it arrives it abandons you once you open your mouth.

[ August 08, 2002, 07:03 PM: Message edited by: Gaylord Focker ]

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Such eloquence for so little actual content and so many spelling mistakes.

I tire of your mewlings - were they original or humourous they might have minimal merit. But alas like so many blind furry little animals in the past you merely run on instinct and a need to suck a tit.

Therefore I take it upon myself, as my duty to mankind and pools both gene and cess, to dispose of you in combat.

Put up or shut up Happy-customer-of-the-local-Dominatrix-and-full-of-Tripe....or, in case that's too complicated for you, <big><big>send me a feking setup!!</big></big>

[ August 08, 2002, 07:20 PM: Message edited by: Mike ]

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Hi boys of The Pool! Hi Persephone!

I had a perfectly horrid day today, to include breaking my best nail, so I thought I'd drop by for a much needed laugh. Skimming through, I noticed that Mike has made an attempt to insult me in hopes that I would favor him with a setup. Reread your "insult", Mike. These are things a deceptive and treacherous lady is proud of. You flatter me, and you smell good. I have no wish to harm you or your cyber-soldiers, YET. Do stop by again. I find you.....interesting.

That's all I have time for right now. It seems I've been accused of fraudulent activities revolving around credit cards, AGAIN. How else am I to support my lifestyle? Mike, are you rich?

Talk to you later, boys.

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I refuse to confirm or deny that I have a diamond AE card.

Unless of course you choose to answer someone else's question - are you hot??

I'd also point out that it is actuly impossible to insult someone here, because an insult has to be something that lowers the target, or is untrue or nasty, etc.

And there's nothing I can say about anyone in this thread that meets any of those criteria!

[ August 08, 2002, 07:36 PM: Message edited by: Mike ]

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Time to look for a new home. I do hope that one of the Olde Ones is considering giving us a right proper start this time. I think this current train wreck all started when we didn't have proper rules posted at the start. I'm also hoping that Mike give up on his lame Cesspool spelling bee. You win. I'll even sign a petition to have the OED list an alternate spelling for Caesar. Just shut up already. Barring that, try to post something even vaguely amusing.

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Why should I have to provide all the humour on here??

Huh?? And who apointed you as the pool's Comedy Police??

Come to think of it I guess if there has to be one it might's well be you on the basis that those who can do, those who can't teach and those who can't even teach regulate!

Besides, what I lack in quality (which I readily admit) I make up for in quantity.

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edited because I changed my mind, as is a lady's prerogative(sp?). Although your last remarks to me are sufficiently insulting to prompt a setup, it is my considered opinion that they are not in keeping with the standards of the One True Threadregarding Ladies. I do not wish to incur the wrath of The Cold Ones for "rewarding" such insults. Better safe than sorry for a newcomer.

[ August 08, 2002, 09:44 PM: Message edited by: Roxy ]

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Originally posted by Mike:

Why should I have to provide all the humour on here??

Huh?? And who apointed you as the pool's Comedy Police??

Come to think of it I guess if there has to be one it might's well be you on the basis that those who can do, those who can't teach and those who can't even teach regulate!

Besides, what I lack in quality (which I readily admit) I make up for in quantity.

Look, I know you are just trying to prove that you are full of piss and vinegar, but what you are really doing is peeing all over the place without even thinking. Try showing a little more restraint. Show some artistry, or, as they like to say around here, some panache. A really good exercise for you would be to restrict each one of your posts to a single traditional haiku. You might find that the rigid structure helps you clarify the point you are trying to make. Here let me give you an example:

Blows fall on thick head,

Pillock, Git extraordinaire!

New Zealand Mikey

To be sure, it is not a very good example. I am hopeful that you can best it.

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Originally posted by Buzzsaw:

I think this current train wreck all started when we didn't have proper rules posted at the start.

Bite me useless git.

Your whines and moans will help you not

Nobody here cares.


You say that you think

but you lie, you are not able

for you have no brain.

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Haiku is passe - been there, done that, moved on to killing pixellated little men.

However for your benefit

Worthless bile of Peng dross

Broken Sprocket and whining like

Buzzsaw now sod off.

[ August 08, 2002, 09:48 PM: Message edited by: Mike ]

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