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foxholes vs. trenches vs . . . .

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Everyone got a feel for how tough trenches were through the painful lessons of scenarios like _Hill 312_. But, I would like to understand the effectiveness of trenches (vs. foxhole, vs natural terrain) in more specific terms. The manual is, as always, appropriately vague.

What specifically does the computer consider when trenches enhance the defense of a unit?

General answers such as: "It gives you the best C & C" are not needed. I'm looking for the *math*.


Thanks, j

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For a starter you want to inspect the exposure ratings that the LOS tool gives you, compare it for units in the open, in foxholes and in trenches.

Then, a hotseat experiment with one enemy MG area firing on parts of a trench, series of foxholes and units in the open and try to move the units in thre trench and the other terrain to get a feel how much mobility the trenech buys you.

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Originally posted by redwolf:

[QB]For a starter you want to inspect the exposure ratings that the LOS tool gives you, compare it for units in the open, in foxholes and in trenches.QB]

As I said, "Everyone got a feel for how tough trenches were through the painful lessons of scenarios like _Hill 312_."

I want to know specifics. I.E. The trench gives you .02% exposure, while the foxhole gives you .30% exposure. I realize terrain would effect this, but what exclusively does the trench do?

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Originally posted by Terrapin:

Generally, the "math" part is not disclosed by BTS, in fear of ruining some players of enjoyment of the game. (i.e., "why play this, when I can see the result in Excel").

Walpurgis Night,

That's why Redwolf told you to run a test (giving you some useful specific suggestions.) You can find out for yourself, then report the results right back here. We will all be very grateful.


[ December 05, 2002, 04:15 PM: Message edited by: CombinedArms ]

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